Information | Pg I

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Characters profiles

Name: Madeline Sahory Castro


Height: 5'3

Look like:
Her hair is black at the roots caramel in the middle and some of the tops with blond in the ends, she has a butterfly bang, her hair is a medium length She has Dark green eyes that cold change to different kind of dark green but it mostly changes to dark forest gree, she's pale like porcelain since she doesn't leave her home or her room, her lips are strawberry red, she has an hourglass body, her chest are a 34 b


Likes to play the violin, piano, and the clarinet
She's quite, introvert, shy, some people called her the emotianeless and the affections less since she does at like affection and she can contro, manipulate, and "torn off" her emotion, but they called her that as a joke, she knows well kinda how to act, she likes books and likes to hear music, she spend all day and night in her room, making her family and friends joke about how it's her grave, she also jokes about that too, she's kinda sarcastic, she also likes to dance well but not to much, she is so picky about the food she eats since she can only eat small portions

Name: Allan Jesus Castro




He likes soccer ball he plays the drums, just like Madeline he loves to dance any kind of dancing, he also likes to annoy and bother Madeline, but since their cousins he protects her and loved her like one.He also like Madeline plays the piano but instead of the violin he plays the cello5


He has curly dark brown hair, his eyes are brown, and his skin is pale but a fair one, he's not as pale as Madeline, he has a muscular but not so much of body, and just like Madeline he's picky but not so much, he has pink lips but not so much

Description of story:

A girl along with her older cousin were transported To the remarries empress, the thing is that this isn't their first time, but the timeline changed is quite difficult for them, and it will be harder for them to get used to it, and how to act, but they learn fast and with some movies, books, and series of royalty's and timeline they know how to act accordingly. Will they get home this time? Will they be able to contain their urge to talk their mind to sigues hi and Rasta? Will they have the guts to tell Javier about them? Will heñirte and McKenna help?

Transported Into The Remarried Empress
||BOOK I||
The Highly Praised & The Angel Of Blood.

T.I.T.R.E. || BOOK I || The Highly Praised & The Angel Of BloodWhere stories live. Discover now