Where it all started |Pg II

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My parents were hosting the Christmas party and all of our families memebers where their, me and my cousins, were all gather in one of the living rooms of my house Playing uno, after the ten first rounds some of us were already hungry and some went to go to the bathroom, Me and one of my older cousins went to my room to get some of the games that we would play, like he gave, twisted, etc but my standing mirror glowed, we looked at each other and nodded, I turned around and grabbed my backpack and put some stuff their, like my phone charger, My makeup, feminine stuff, my AirPods, money, My Perfume,( all in a bag and accommodated and put my backpack), Bluetooth, make up remover, Pills, masks, my Mackbook and the charger and the charger of the Bluetooth, earrings, Skin care, Credit cards, sunscreen, insect repellent, flashlight, Clothes just in case, money, pencil and a pen, sweaters, wipes.

meanwhile Allan, my older cousin, since him and his sister sleep in my house like twice a week, he grabbed his clothes that he kept here and sweaters and put it in the backpack, his cologne , AirPods, chargers, Mackbook, his skin care, his masks, money, and credit card,flashlight, he then proceeded to open one of me drawers called "snack drawer" and grabbed some of the snack I had there and put it in a bag and then put it in the backpack, then he went to my mini fridge and open it to take some drinks and put it in a bag and put it in the backpack he closed the backpack and put it in his shoulders. We enter the portal and we were transported into a castle like royals time.

We looked at each other and hid behind a wall, we heard noices, I leaned to peak and saw........ Heinley and........ "uhh Krista" I whispered "who?" He asked, before I could even answer someone eat me to it.

"Who are you?" McKenna asked "can we talked somewhere more private?" I asked, he nodded and we went to his room, I explained to him everything. "So your telling me........ your from somewhere else entirely?" He asked "yes" Allan answer, McKenna then went for heinrey and we explained to him.

"So what are we gonna do?" Heinrey asked "how about we act as your youngest cousins.......like that were kept a secret and are just know showing ourselves to the world...." I suggested "and we're from hidden and secrets empires" Allan added, they thought about it and agreed, Heinrey Call HiS pErSoNaL tAiLoR so he could make us some clothes and take our mesures of everything and anything, he took my skin color and stuff, and he took the measurements of my head, he some colors out and was seeing what color were best one me, which are dark colors and cold/cool colors, and for material it was like almost every fabric that was to exist, I showed him some designs of the empire I was gonna say "I'm from" which is Turkish and Russia. And Allan it's Greek and Turkish we also decided to changed names I will be Claret (ˈklerət. bordovyy. The name Claret is primarily a female name of English origin that means Dark Red Color. ) and Allan will be Akmad (akmet. Akmad. Akmad is a Filipino boy's name that's an alternate spelling of the Arabic name Ahmad, which means both "highly praised")


Once we got everything down we started to talk about our classes which will be the same


* History for 8-10 am
* Languages for 10:10-12:10
* Art for 12:20-1:20


* Etiquette for 10-11 am
* Music for 11:10-1:10
* Dance for 1:20-2:20


* Politics for 11-12 am
* Theology for 12:10-1:10
* Philosophy for 1:20-2:20


* Material arts for 12-1 pm
* History of empires and kingdoms 1:10-2:10
* Mathematics 2:20-3:20

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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T.I.T.R.E. || BOOK I || The Highly Praised & The Angel Of BloodWhere stories live. Discover now