The 'Great' Plan

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Still trying to figure out if sending him to a duck school was for his benefit or for their, Robert was going to go along with whatever plan the others came up with. Bill's words did not settle his nerves and with Puddle-foot's sarcasm - and Tape looking like she wants to murder someone - Robert was almost sure they will die. Though, who would cry for their deaths?

If they were to get Robert to duck school, what would it be like? Would people like him? Would they call him 'uncool' or a 'monstrosity'? Was it grand and fancy? Would he fit in? More and more questions filled his mind. He was a rejected duck! A no-one... Would anyone even want to be friends with him?

"OI! ROBERT! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE LAKE AND COME HELP US WOULD YA?" shouted Bill from across the bin. Robert looked over to see a stack of empty coffee cups stacked on top of each other with Puddle-foot straightening out the crumpled-up ones and Tape dragging them over to the corner where Bill was stacking.

"What's going on?" Robert asked.

"It's our plan to get you out of here. When the factory closes, all the lights turn off and no-one is left inside, we'll sneak you out." Tape explained.

"What about you guys?" wondered Robert.

"What about us?" Puddle-foot said confused.

"Will you be coming with me?"

Bill chuckled. "Oh no. We can't come,"

"Why not?"

"We're dead to the outside world. Broken. Worthless. Useless...." Puddle-foot explained, her voice cracking at the end, her eyes glistening slightly.

"We're not well liked in people's eyes. You, however, are perfect. That's why you're going and we're not. And anyway, who would help other's such as yourself if we're gone?" Bill's attempted to lighten the mood. It didn't work... but was appreciated.

"Anyways, let's move on shall we and concentrate on getting you out," instructed Tape. Robert helped drag the coffee cups to Bill with Tape.

The silence was tense from then on. He was just going to leave them just like that. He had come crashing in and was going to leave as quickly as he arrived? He was now called 'perfect', yet he felt awful. Why should he live a life of luxury while they're forced to suffer in a waste bin? Especially for the sake of how they look!

When the tower of used coffee cups was complete, they all climbed to the top. Robert went to peep his head out before Bill pulled him down aggressively.

"Careful! Don't want to get caught now do we?"

"So, what now?" asked Bill.

"The fun part, waiting!" Puddle-foot said, a cheeky grin grew upon her face.

"If we are caught, we are dead, literally. So, it is IMPORTANT to get timing right!" instructed Tape.

"Soooooooooo, when do we know the right time?"

"Simple! We listen."

"For what?" Robert asked Bill looking at him like he was a lunatic.

"For silence."


"Yes, silence."

"So, we wait to hear silence. Then what? The duck goddess will lead us with her godly power?"




"Then what?"

"She will use the wind!"


"Be quiet puddle-foot! They will hear us!" Tape slapped the back of her head. Puddle-foot rolled her eyes and mumbled to herself.

"Anyway- "Bill continued, "listen now, what do you hear?"


"Yes! When it stops the factory is closed, everyone goes home. Therefore, we can leave, and no-one will catch us! An amazing plan, I know." Bill looked very pleased with himself.

The quacking tale of a rubber duck called RobertWhere stories live. Discover now