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He laid in totally darkness, just him and his conscience. Was the point of his whole existence to be purely tortured, alive for everything to hurt him and for the universe to make him feel like he is absolutely worthless and a massive monstrosity? (Yes, it is but let's pretend it's not and to give him hope to later on crush!).

A flash of light shone in his eyes, waking him for his week-long coma. As he looked around, and a group of gasps and screams erupted the room. Out of shock, he jumped but just got pulled back down by the rope that was tightly bound around him.


Hearing the word, 'demon', Robert starts to panic even more. He squirms trying to break free not realising it was only making the situation worse. The more he moved, the louder the screams of terror and the tighter the ropes around him were pulled. This continued for quite a while. (Way too long)

Once Robert gave up trying to escape and the screaming died down, the sound of a pair of palmate slowly and carefully coming towards him. Robert then felt a stick poke him in the ribs and a deep voice ask, "What devilish plans have you come here to set in motion?" There was silence.

"You talking to me?" Asked Robert.

"Yes you! Who else? Now SPEAK!" The mysterious voice demanded.

"No plan! I've got no plan! I was looking for a 'duck school'? BUT no plan! I'm not even a demon. Just a duck. A rubber duck. Plain old duck which no-one loves. Just a rubber duck called Robert!" Robert let out with one breath. "Please don't kill me......"

"Robert, ay? Tell me, 'Robert', why do you come seeking the duck school?" The voice questioned.

"I got told I would be great as I'm in one piece and have all my brain cells in contact by Bill, Tape and Puddle-foot!"

"Who are Bill, Tape and Puddle-foot?"

"Rubber ducks too! Well.... broken but kind heart ones," Robert explained.

"Broken, you say? How so?"

"Tape is missing the back of her head/hair, Puddle-foot is missing an eye and Bill has his head on backwards,"

"MONSTERS! WE AREN'T SAFE. OUR KIDS AREN'T SAFE!" someone somewhere else in the room shout causing round two of an explosion of screams. (This too went on longer than it should of)

"QUIET! EVERYONE!" The voice shouted. He was standing too close next to Robert accidently hurting Roberts ears. "Tell me foul demon," he said turning back to Robert. "Where are they? Why do they want you here?"

"They didn't come. It's just me as they send I'm not broken in anyway I could go to this duck school and live out this life which has already been torture." Robert was completely done with this whole 'duck school' situation, he began to wonder if it was even worth it. (Yes, as it builds a storyline and plot but he doesn't know that).

"You come from the factory, don't you?"


"How come you came from the sky, not our doors?" the voice questioned with a little less frightening tone in it more of an intrigue tone.

"A door...?"

"Yes, the door that leads you here. Why not that instead of falling for the sky?"

"I went through a door but then fell from the sky,"

"There is a door next to the power switch-"

"You're telling me I ran around looking for a door which ended up dropping me hundreds of feet when all I had to do was go out the opposite door a turn next to the door?! This better be one nasty joke," Robert, although very calm and chill, his tone of voice showed how pissed he was hearing this news. "Hang on, how do you know?"

"The whole purpose of the door was to save ducks like you. Although it happens rarely, we do have one who joined us from the factory only a year or so ago."

"Really?" Robert though having a duck like him would help and could make a friend who waddled the same path as him.

"Ya," the voice said untying Robert. When Robert looked at the voice, it was a Pope. A pope duck. "Come my child," the pope said waggling his feathers, "I have someone I would like you meet."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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