When you befriend him

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Now, you on McDonald again sipping your soft drink as a cue to end your lunch. You about take a leave when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You almost scream before you heard the person speak

"You're the girl from before, right?" you turn your head to face the guy. You recognize him; he was the guy from before who being dragged by his friend. You nodded in replay

"I knew it!" he said excited "I never catch your name the last time"

"It's (y/n). You Alfred right?" he widened "how do you know?"

"When your friend approach you the last time he shouting your name" you remind him "yeah I forgot. But let me introduce myself properly. My name is Alfred F.Jones and I'm the HERO!" he yelled which cause you to giggle

"Well then Mr. HERO do you still have any business cause I'm about to take my leave here"

"Wait! C-can you accompany me for awhile. Pleaseee" you smiled at him. Well I don't see the reason no you thought "sure Alfred"

You both sit and talk getting know each other, and before you realize you already befriend with him


It's been three days since the last day you met this guy named Matthew Williams. The last time you had gave him your phone number but he still haven't call you. Maybe he busy or maybe he don't like me at the first time you thought

Your mind full of many thought. You don't realize your phone buzzed next to you. You quickly pick up "hello?"

"H-h-hello. I-Is this (y-y/n)?" asked the voice from across "yes it is. Who you might be?"

"(Y-y/n) this is me. Matthew" your eyes sparkling "Matthew! I've been waiting for you to call. What makes you so long?"

"I-I'm sorry. Every time I dialed your number. I always worried"

"Apology accepted and its fine you don't have to worry now. Says I bored and decide to go to park. Want to hang out with me?"

"s-sure" gosh he so cute even when he talk "that's great. I'll be in our first meeting place"

"Okay. I'll bring Kumajirou with me" with that he hung up the phone. You change your clothes and walk happily to the park

When you arrived, Matthew is nowhere to see so you just sat and waiting. Not so long you felt something tugged your sleeve AGAIN. You look up to see a cute little polar bear "Kuma!" you hug the bear "h-hey (y/n)" you see Matthew standing right in front of you

"Matt!" you run and gave him friendly hug. He shock at first but hug you back "I-I'm glad to m-meet you again, (y/n)" he said while blushing

You giggle "you're so cute!" your state only make poor Canada became redder then he already was

Let's just say, after the second meeting you both getting close and I mean really close


It's past a few days since the last time you met the Germany guy, Ludwig. Until now he hasn't call you yet. To be honest you felt a bit disappointed but you just let it and now, you were doing your daily routine, jogging around the park.

You use an earphone while jogging so you don't realize when a bark coming closer and the last thing you know—it bumps you and tackle you to the ground

"Arf arf" you looked up to see the familiar dog "berlitz?" you asked making the dog seems happy? And licking your face

"mein gott1 berlitz vhy jou keep—(y/n)?" a familiar voice approach you

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