his feeling towards you (his pov)

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P.S: this is what he thinking of you after befriends about 3 or four months


I watch (y/n) who sit next to me sipping his soft drink. Every now and then it seems whatever she did made me feeling uneasy. The way she laugh at my silly joke or when she look at me with her shining (e/c) orbs it driving me crazy.

All I want to do is hugging her tightly so she won't go but how can I? I'm nobody to her. Wait that give me idea I will make her mine soon for sure beside the HERO always gets what he want right


I hummed softly while making pancake for (y/n) it's become habit to me. I still remember the first time I made her one, s-she said she l-love my pancake so much which made me blushing. Now that I remember about that I must look silly

For me (y-y/n) is different from other, everything she had done success to make m-my h-h-heart fall for her. I wonder when I have courage to tell her my f-feeling too but what if she said no and there will be distance between us?! I-I don't want it to happen but I-I can't hold this feeling much longer. What should I do?


I voke up in zhe morning and started zo go zo zraining. Vhen I arrived zhere, I already saw (y/n) jogging around. For a moments I seems taken a back by seeing her. Vhat I'm thinking? Vhy I become nervous so sudden I mean of course I get nervous zhe first time I meet her but now is different I had knov (y/n) about 3 months and now the uneasy feeling come to me again.

"Hey Ludwig. You ready?" I heard (y/n) calling me. "S-sure. C-come" oh great now I'm stuttering she probably zhinking zhat I'm weird but seriously I can't deny the feeling whenever she's around. Maybe I should ask bruder about this

Italy (veneziano)

Vee~ I'm so-a happy to-a see (y/n) drawing-a sketch of-a me. I don't know-a what happen to-a me but whenever I'm-a with (y/n) my-a heart just-a beating faster

But-a lately I-a seems blushing. I-a wonder what-a happen to-a me? I'll go-a and ask Germany maybe-a he knows-a about this vee~


Today i-a had asked (y/n) to-a go to-a pizza store and she said yes. So here-a I am walking to-a the store, now I-a just notice something. Every step I take-a my heart start-a racing so fast. What-a the hell is happen to-a me?

I-a try to-a concentrate but no use, the imagine of-a (y/n) is repeating over my-a head. The way she-a called my-a name, the way she-a laugh freely I-a even amazed on how-a I can remember such things

This is-a stupido!

Now I'm standing in-a front the store, I'm looking for (y/n) from the glass window and when I spot her, my heart beat fast and I could feel my cheek rising. Now I get it. The reason why I act like this, for a guy like me sure it took long time enough to realize huh?


I and (y/n) having an anime marathon which is one of our dairy (daily) activities. Usuarry I wirr keep my eyes to the screen but now I just staring (y/n) no, not in a creepy way. I-I just examined her and realize that she rearry beautifur. her face rearry furr of emotion the opposite of me who herd a poker face arr the time.

I arso rearize that she the onry one girr who stayed with me even if she know my personar space and she didn't mind it. Why I just thinking about it now? Why I never aware before? That I...had farren hard for this girr


(y/n) so cute aru! I can stare at her all day long. How I wish to hug her dearly. (y/n) also like to collect a plushie like me aru! Once I asked her to come to my house to see my collection, she can stop fangirling over the plushie

I really like her and I think I should tell her already. But before that I'm going to planning the sweetest moment for her


Right now I'm attending in one of world meeting but nothing goes right especially since the bloody frog France keep bugging me. But this time is different, I choose to deny the fighting and keep my daydreaming about (y/n).

My love (y/n) I never see someone who can be out going and polite in the same time. She very beautiful and smart too. The way she talk when we about to discuss something, it's so soft and optimistic in the same time. How I love to listen all the time


(y/n) is my sunflower, da. She's different from other. I can tell from the first time we met. (y/n) always protect me from being bullied when I was a little and now since I'm becoming a big country I will protect her from everything and everyone that cause harm to her, da.

"Ivan" I heard her melodic voice calling me. "Da?" I give him my smile, the one that can make everyone terrified but not for (y/n). She always says that I have a sweet smile. "What are you thinking?" she asked. "I was thinking about you" I can see her face show a dust pink made me want to hug her. I really love to have my sunflower


In the morning when we had a breakfast Erika told me that (y/n) are coming over in the afternoon. I nodded and start to think. I just realize that (y/n) is one of the people I can tolerate except my little sister and some others. From the first time I met her I gave her my respect for helping my sister. I admit that nowadays it's really rare to find someone who willing to stand for other person especially stranger and I'm glad to meet (y/n) that day.

"Bruder. . .?" Erika's voice brought me from my thinking. "Are you okay? You seem spacing out" I shook my head "I'm fine". "Were you thinking about big sis?" Erika's question hit right in the spot when she realizes my face reddens "I knew it! Big bruder you like big sis (y/n) right?" she squelling. I'm stuck not saying anything, why you might ask? Because what she said were true.


mon chère, (y/n). Her face is a truly belle, too bad to see it cover with a wasting tears. How I really want to beat whoever make (y/n) sad. But I think I have a better idea, oui. I will ask her to be mine, showering her with all love and most important be the reason for her to smile again


I was visiting Lovi's place again. Well it has become habit so here I am now, sometimes it just me, lovi and Feliciano but there also the time when (y/n) pay a visit.

Talking about (y/n) I have to admit that this chica really something. She can tolerate Feliciano's attitude, Lovi's anger issue and she can even stand for my flirting which I find amusing! Lately I felt a different feeling in my heart when I faced (y/n). I know what this feeling called and as a real guy I'm not ashamed to admit that I had fallen for her


Kesese since zhe last party I have spend vith (y/n) zhe awesome me can see that this frau has taken mein heart. Her awesome smile could make mien face give a different fifty shade. With zhis conclusion, only one zhing to do for last.

I have to punish her for making me feels like zhis!


Da-ze! Today I had asked (y/n) for another hang out. But lately I felt different when I'm with her. Not that I don't like to be with her. In fact, this feeling is complicated. Bitter yet sweet at the same time.

"yeong!" I turn to where the voice come "da-ze! Ready for the great tour?" I asked in my cherry tone. "Of course!" yeps this girl is the one

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