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TONGUE TIED            9━━   russian secrets

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TONGUE TIED            9
━━   russian secrets

       Her pupils shook in fear as she watched the ongoing scene. She could hardly fathom the reason behind it all, but all she knew was she needed to get out of there. Despite the thousands of questions lingering in her mind, one stood out to her and drove her over the edge.

       Was her father involved in this?

       The smell.

       Her conversation with Steve replayed over and over in her head like a broken cassette tape. His words taunted her mind and sent her into a spiral of doubts. Do you think he's involved in this? How could he! She hoped that with a shake of her head, the thoughts would vanish, but they remained like poison traveling through her blood. Simply ridiculous.

       Her head lapped around his words. His words. Steve. How did he make so much sense? She had no idea about his job and his doings, the only obvious answer was yes. Yes, he's involved.

       He couldn't be!

       The smell.

       Amelia frowned at Steve. They locked eyes for a minute before he turned to Dustin with the same worried expression on his face. It seemed as if there was something in particular that was familiar to them.

       They retrieved themselves from the door and trotted down the stairs. Robin only managed to shake her head, "I don't understand." She rushed. "You've seen this before?" She asked Dustin and Steve, who mentioned they had seen it before.

       "Not exactly."

       "Then what, exactly?"

       Amelia's anxiety reached its peak. "You can't just bring that up without explaining?

       "All you need to know is it's bad," Dustin stated.

       Steve nodded, "It's really bad."

       "Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad."

       "Well, it's obviously bad, but can't you elaborate more?"

       "And you know about this how?" Robin dropped her arms to her sides.

       "Um, Steve?" Erica chimed in, "Where's your Russian friend?"

       Amelia's heart dropped to her stomach. An alarm blared through the hideout and echoed around the base. She frantically looked around and watched how Steve looked out the window into the main room, where the soldier he wrestled earlier stood, surrounded by other soldiers.

       He was spotted. "Shit." He cursed as he slammed the door. He looked back at the others and wasted no time in shoving them into the other room, where the experiment of some sort was being carried away. "Go, go, go, go, go!"

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now