Chapter 2

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Jen's POV

I pulled into the parking lot for the bar I hoped Sam and Dean would meet us at. Joe looked angry, which was reasonable, considering we did just watch our father die. We got out of the car and just stood there for a minute. Joe hadn't said anything for the whole ride.

"You aren't alright, I'm not stupid enough to ask if you are, but you can always talk to me. You know that," I told him, trying to sound sympathetic. I should be upset about dad dying, but it just doesn't feel real.

"No, I can't. Do you know why," he asked, continuing without a response, "it's your fault he's gone. You wouldn't understand because you're too self-centered to see any fault in your actions. It's- it's all your fault he's gone." His voice was shaking, and his eyes were red and watery. He's never looked this mad before. We had been so focused on this conversation that neither of us noticed the black '67 Impala pull in next to us.

"How is it my fault," I practically yelled.

"If you hadn't decided to go in alone and be a damn hero, he wouldn't have had to run in to save you. I wouldn't have had to watch my father be torn apart by those damned dogs," he yelled back. I took a step back, and he just took two more towards me.

"He was my father too! You think I meant for him to die? I wanted to help!" My arguing was useless. He'd already punched me across the face. It hurt like hell, but I wasn't going to stop him. Rather, I swung back. He just grabbed my arm and threw me onto the ground. Both of us were fighting back tears.

"You think I don't regret everything I did back there. You think I don't get that if I was smart he'd still be here," I said through gritted teeth as he kicked my head.

"Shut up! Shut your mouth!" He probably would've done worse, but a man, who I'm assuming was either Sam or Dean, held him back, while another helped me up. After a minute of really awkward silence, the slightly shorter one (who was still really tall) cleared his throat.

"I'm assuming you're Jennifer and Joseph," he said, kind of like one would ask a question. I nodded, as did Joe. He let go of him, and the other leaned me up against my car.

"Well, I'm Dean, that's Sam. We'll talk more after we get you two bandaged up." I look at Joe, then at myself. We were both covered in cuts and scratches, me more so than him. I was about to say something, but Joe beat me to it.

"Look, I'm sorry about that, I-I don't know why I did that. And before you ask, no, it wasn't possession or anything," he said, showing the tattoo right below his left collarbone that protected against demonic possession. Dad made us both get it, so i showed mine, too.

"Okay, so that's good. We don't need to make sure you're not demons," Dean started, splashing a little bit of holy water on us anyway, "but we still need to make sure you're not shape-shifters or anything else." I sighed and held out my hand. He put some shiny silver fork onto my palm, and did the same with Joe.

"Okay, Dean, they get it. Let's just figure out what we're gonna do now that we've got two kids legally under our custody now," the other one, Sam, said. Joe and I both made disapproving noises when he called us kids. He chuckeld and grinned.

"Alright, then, how old are you?"

"16 next week," we both said in unison. They rolled their eyes.

"Kids," Dean stated, then continued, "the letter we got, it said you both had some ability from demon that killed out mothers. What is it, and can you still use it?" Joe and I glanced at each other and he nodded. I turned myself invisible, which had become easy with a lot of practice, and walked over to Sam and Dean's car. I turned that invisible, then made only myself visible, my hand still on the invisible car. I took my hand off of it.

"That just about sums up my 'power.' Joe can inflict pain onto someone by just looking at them. He can also control how much pain."

"And we're supposed to just believe tha-" Dean started, but was cut off when he doubled over. I glared at Joe and he stopped.

"What? He didn't believe you," he said defensively.

"Sammy, they're not lying," Dean informed his brother. Sam just laughed.

"I can see that. Now let's get their cuts covered before they get infected." I smiled and pointed at one of the larger cuts on my head that came from a hellhound's claw. It hurt like hell. Dean nodded.

"Good idea, but um, we can't let them drive, they're 15," he said.

"They're also not deaf," I stated impatiently.

"Okay, so Sam, you can take Joe back in my car, I'll drive Jen back in theirs."

"Wait a minute, who said you're touching my baby," I protested. I was always the one who obsessed over this car. I wasn't going to let just anyone drive her.

"I'm not going to hurt your precious car. 'Cause girls are scary, and I don't wanna get on your bad side. So just get in," he told me. I sighed and got in the passenger side seat. I flipped through my CD's to see if there was anything I was in the mood to listen to. I found an old AC/DC album my dad gave me. It was The Razors Edge, and while it definitely wasn't my favorite AC/DC album, it was pretty good.

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