Chapter 10

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Dean's PoV

Damn, this girl's got a lot on her plate. She's probably going to hell in 6 days, unless I can stop it. On top of that, she's going to get taken by a demon to God knows where soon unless I can stop that, too. Plus she's with her ex, but they seem quite friendly for exes, if you know what I mean.

I wonder what Sam found. I decided to give him a call. He picked up on the second ring. I put him on speakerphone.

"Dean, did you find anything good?"

"Yeah, it turns out this thing's been keeping tabs on every victim it had, and every one that's next. Really detailed. I need to show you once we get back. How 'bout you?"

"Yeah, whatever this is, it's pretty violent. I mean, get this, they had no eyes, tongues, or hair left. Their throats were torn up, and their fingers were bloody, like they were clawing at something."


"Yeah. I'll meet you back at Billie's."


~later, at Billie's house~

Jen's PoV

After Dean told the others about me being next and all, it was agreed that I was not allowed to go anywhere alone. Great.

"Where is everyone gonna stay," I whispered to Billie. He shrugged.

"My dad won't be home 'til next month, so two people can fit in his bed. The couch is always an option, and there's my room. But only two people are gonna fit in my bed," he whispered back with a smirk.

"Oh yeah," I replied, biting my lip. He smiled brightly. Dammit he needs to stop doing that. He's so fucking hot it's not fair.

"Get a room," my brother commented jokingly. I rolled my eyes.

"You two act like partners, yet you claim that you're not," Cas observed.

"It's, um, it's complicated," I said. He looked at us with a confused expression before turning away.

"Humans are weird." After a little while, Sam addressed the same concern I had mentioned earlier.

"Hey Billie, you wouldn't happen to have enough room for all of us to stay, would you?"

"One of you could take the couch, and my dad's bed will fit two people. I don't know what the other will do, since I'm short one sleepable surface..."

"I don't need sleep," Cas said.

"Okay, that's fortunate. Who's sleeping on the couch?"

"Me," Sam, Dean, and Joe all said at the same time. They each glared at each other.

"Rock, paper, scissors," Joe suggested. They did, and Dean won with rock.

"2 out of 3," Sam asked. Dean won again with scissors

"3 outta 5," Joe demanded. Dean still won, with rock again.

~9 pm~

"Billie, you know any good bars around here?" I'll give you three guesses to figure out who asked. What was that? A little louder, I can't hear you. Dean? If you said Dean, you are correct.

"Hell yeah! There's this one downtown with this really hot bartender, and the drinks are the best there."

"Cool, what's it called?"

"I don't remember, you'll just have to let me come with you." Dean rolled his eyes.

"You're 17." Billie picked up a card from the coffee table and handed it to Dean.

"According to that, I just turned 22."

"Fine. Be ready in 5 minutes. Who else is coming?"

"Me," I said, ignoring the look my brother shot me. Dean was going to argue, but decided not to. I ran upstairs and up into the attic, where Billie's room is. I'd already put my stuff up here, so I pulled out a clean pair of skinny jeans and a tight-fitting top. I was changed, fully aware that Billie was watching my every move. I threw on a light sweater and put on enough makeup to hide any evidence that would show I'm 15.

"Damn," Billie said. I'm not sure if he meant how I looked, how much older the makeup made me look, or how quickly I did it all. I grabbed a purse, threw on a pair of heels that I'd probably break my neck in, and walked back downstairs with Billie.

"You two look different," Cas noted. Billie did his hair so it looked more mature, and his outfit was composed of jeans, an AC/DC shirt, and a flannel. We followed Dean out to his Impala. Apparently Cas is coming with us, since he got into the passenger seat. I got into the back with Billie. Dean drove around, following Billie's instructions, until we reached the bar he took me to once before. ((IN CASE I HAVEN'T SAID THIS BEFORE UNDERAGE DRINKING IS A BAD THING PLEASE DON'T DRINK UNTIL IT'S LEGAL FOR YOU)) 

Billie and I both got carded at the door, but they let us in. That most likely means that, since they have a guy by the door checking to make sure no minors get in, the bartenders won't ask to see our IDs.

"Don't get totally wasted, Sam and Joe will kill me. If you need anything, well, you'll figure it out," Dean told us before running of with Castiel. Billie and I ordered shots, and before you know it, I probably couldn't recite the alphabet.

Joe's PoV

Sam and I stuck behind for two reasons. 1-Neither of us are in the mood to be drunk off our asses tonight, and 2-Someone needs to actually work on the case.

"How much does Dean usually drink?"

"Too much. Jen?"

"Enough to make me believe her liver will fail within the next 5 years." We sat in silence for a while, Sam looking through all the lore books we brought while I checked the Internet to see if I could find anything. He had the books spread across the coffee table in front of the couch, and I was sitting on the floor near him. Sam stood up and walked over to me with a book in his hand.

"Dude, check this out," he said, pointing to a section of the page. It was about demons called vesania. I quickly recognized the word.

"Vesania is Latin for insanity or madness." I tried doing a search but all that came up was some Polish metal band. I read the page to see what it had to say.

Vesania are a powerful species of demon that prefer to manifest in adolescent bodies. They prefer to feast on the tongues of humans and animals. They have the ability to make victims itch themselves so much they claw out their own eyes. Vesania will often obliterate the victim's throat to make sure it's dead. Vesania can be "killed" in the same way any other demon can.

"So basically it drives them insane and that makes them destroy themselves?" Sam nodded. I shuddered involuntarily. This is a pretty fucked up case.

August 11, 2015

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