Chief - Chapter 1: Nukpana

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"Did you here something?", I asked Cortana as we passed through the forest. The grass crunched under my feet as I passed a moving tree. Or was it even a tree? I moved back to where I spotted it. O well probably just a branch swaying in the wind. As I turned back, the "branch" suddenly grabbed My arm from behind. "What the-?" I gasped as I spun around. My pursuer was tall, had three eyes: one on his forehead and the other two spaced out above his nose. I stood for a long time looking at this mysterious stranger. About 5 minutes passed when he spoke: "My name is Nukpana and I've come to find and kill the Master Chief", he said. His voice trembling as he spoke. "You've got the 'found him' part," I replied,"But I don't think you're going to kill him." I pulled out my Assault Rifle and began to shoot Nukpana, but Nukpana was moving fast and I couldn't get a good aim at him. Damn it, I thought to myself, of all my covenant fighting years I've never met a more skilled covenant than THIS one. "Now it's my turn!" Nukpana took out a laser sword from his back which I didn't see before, and ran toward me screaming, "THIS ENDS NOW!!!"

An hour ago
Me and my troops just came from stopping what seemed like an alien apocalypse. Good reason to celebrate right? Everyone was drinking, eating pizza and the like. But I wasn't ready to celebrate yet.

"Yo chief," my comrade, Jordan, called to me, "looks like we stopped the worse alien apocalypse ever!" I turned from him and looked out the window of my ship. I had a strange feeling that the worse was yet to come.

"Chief?" I turned around to see who called me. "Um chief? I'm kinda, like, inside your head?" Oh that's right. Its my computer, Cortana. She controls the ship and tells me if there's an alien somewhere.

"Oh." I replied,"I knew that."

"Chief, I'm detecting a covenant life-form from Kyvyhr Wood." Well, that's not good.

"It looks like some sort of bounty hunter." Yep. That's definitely not good.

"Okay." I replied, "Lets kill this son of a bitch!"

Halo Release: Nukpana's InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now