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AURORA races threw the halls of Hogwarts

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AURORA races threw the halls of Hogwarts. She woke up late and is extremely late for class. Merlin, it's the first day of school and she's already late. She then realizes there's a secret passage nearby her, which the Weasley Twins showed her during her first year when she'd get lost. She would get lost quite frequently. Thank Merlin for those two.

She sharply turned the corner, but before she could do anything, she collided into something hard. She groans before looking up, met with Draco Malfoy's grey eyes. They glint as the peer into hers. She gulped harshly.

"Lost, love?"

She thinks about her response. "Not at all."

Her eyes meet his with a look of defiance, and for a moment his gaze falters. But then, her stomach drops unexpectedly when his expression changes back to the usual condensation. With a chuckle, he crosses his arms over his chest. "Where exactly are you heading in such a rush?" He asks, his voice drilling with scorn. The brunette girl almost rolls her eyes.

"Your mums house." She says almost immediately. She knows that was pretty cringe, but it was the only response she had.

Malfoy's eyes flicker with surprise, making him raise an eyebrow. "What did you just say to me?" He asks, his voice lower and more threatening. It's not quite a growl, but it sure as hell feels like it.

Aurora crosses her arm across her chest. "You heard me. Now get out of my way, I'm late for class."

Malfoy takes a moment to process what she just said, but he still doesn't move. When he speaks, his tone is a lot less threatening, almost amused. His eyebrow remains raised as he laughs slightly. "Well, that is a surprisingly original insult," he muses, his eyes on her face. "Where are you off to?" He asks, not hearing the girl say she was late.

"To class, like I said. Use your ears."

Malfoy smirks, his grey eyes glinting mischievously. "I didn't know they let bitches into classes," he growls, the smirk growing wider. His words have the desired effect: Aurora feels her lip curl in anger. "Filthy blood-traitor," he continues, his voice dripping with condescension. "Perhaps you'd be better off in the kitchen, rather than the halls of Hogwarts... bitch."

Aurora grabs him by the collar out of anger, pulling him closer. "What did you just fucking call me?"

Malfoy looks at her for a moment in surprise, and then grins. "I called you a bitch." he says evenly, his grey eyes glittering. Aurora looks back at him for a moment. How can he seem so relaxed? What makes him think he can speak to me this way? She thought.

But then, before she could reply, her words die in her throat. The way his expression flits from amusement to surprise to... something else. And then that wicked grin spread across his lips. She feels the blood rush to her face even as her eyes remain locked onto his.

✔︎ 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, ᵈʳᵃᶜᵒ ᵐᵃˡᶠᵒʸWhere stories live. Discover now