Chapter 18| "sundae night"

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Writing and publishing a chapter then for it to get no comments at all makes me feel like I'm writing for a wall, so even if it's just a Hi to let me know your here I would really appreciate it<3<3

A/n:Writing and publishing a chapter then for it to get no comments at all makes me feel like I'm writing for a wall, so even if it's just a Hi to let me know your here I would really appreciate it<3<3

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•Emery's POV•

His hand is holding my waist as we dance under the crystal chandelier that shines a soft warm light filling the room, Little by little others join us on the floor with their partners.

I think I even caught a glance of Greyson's mom, if I'm correct in assuming she's the one dancing with his father.

She has dark-coloured hair like him but it's tucked back into a tight bun, She's wearing a ruby-red dress that has a faint mermaid style. It's interesting, to say the least.

I look back up at Greyson and find him already looking at me. His eyes are a very dark green colour, you'd have to be looking quite close to see the green.

"Your eyes remind me of the chair I have in the office," I say honestly, that green is just a bit brighter.

He looks confused and then offended, "A chair," He says in disbelief, "Everything in the world and you choose a chair," He says spinning me around.

"Ha, yes," I laugh.

"You have brown eyes," He states and I glare at him.

I prefer to say my eyes honey-coloured eyes but I guess they are just brown.

The song stops after what feels like forever and we step away from each other, Mrs. Carrington starts the applause and quickly everyone joins in including Greyson who turns and claps loudly facing me.

I give them a playful little curtsy and a few people laugh.

"Champagne?" A waiter said holding a tray of glasses, We nodded and each took one.

Sitting down I take a sip, "Is that your mom?" I ask looking at his dad.

"Nope," He states not even looking.


"I'm sorry," Is all I manage to say.

"Nothing you can do about it," He shrugs.

"I know but-," I try.

"Just drop it Em," He states standing up. Without another word I watch him walk out towards the balcony.

I should probably check on him. Standing up I set my glass down on the table.

I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, There was a man in a suit standing beside a girl who must only be about ten or twelve, "Um-Princess I was wondering if we could have a word with you,"

Looking back towards where Greyson went I can't see him anymore, "Sure, what can I do for you?" I say sighing internally.

"My niece here is a huge fan," He says gesturing to the little girl.

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