Elias Wistaria

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025. Elias Wistaria

 I guess the feeling of royalty was thin for me.

 Three years have passed since the prince, who was excellent and loved by everyone, disappeared.

 My father and mother were stunned by the sudden talk of moving up the inheritance rights.

 However, looking at my parents like that, I thought I was in trouble.

 Originally, I was an ordinary person who liked reading and living things.

 On the contrary, I can say that I am not good at talking with people.

 That's why, as the face of the country, I didn't think I would be able to shoulder the responsibility of being a member of the royal family and going to diplomacy with other countries.

 However, if the family has produced a future king, they will have a large say in politics.

 In the Senate where prestigious nobles gather, there was no choice but for my father, whose influence had been declining due to lack of good results in recent years, to jump at this story.

 Thus, I became the first heir to the throne.

 Even though I am a prestigious family, my title changed from being the son of a noble to being a prince of a country, and the environment surrounding me changed greatly.

 As a prince, It is decided to live in the royal palace, so I had to say goodbye to my beloved family's forest.

 Under the trees in that forest, I read books while playing with living things.

 Such a daily life is greatly distant, and every day passes like a raging wave.

 There were many things that I had to do as a person who would carry the country on my back in the future.

 It was three months after I became a prince that the only light came to me while there was no healing.

 When the prince of the desert country visited the royal palace, he left the cat as a sign of friendship.

 This breed of cat, called the Cheshire, is said to be treated respectfully as a messenger of the gods in the desert country.

 Since it was a noble animal sent from another country, even I, who was not allowed to keep a normal animal, was allowed to own it.

 I really liked this cat named Shamshir, an idea from Prince of the Desert.

 First of all, this cat was so beautiful.

 A crescent-shaped pattern on the forehead on a silver coat. Golden eyes.

 I see, it's no surprise that he is described as an incarnation of God in a desert country.

 On top of that, he's surprisingly smart.

 It moves as if it senses the intention itself.

 Despite being unable to speak the language, this cat did it naturally.

 It didn't take long for me to fall in love with Shamshir.

 I did my daily study without being reprimanded, and spent all my free time with Shamshir.

 After coming to the royal palace, I, who had never even been outside, began to go around the garden with Shamshir.

 The free-spirited movement of the cat was sometimes very stimulating to me, and I sometimes got scolded by the person who supervised me because I went too far.

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