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Slightly shivering, I flick the half-smoked cigarette a few feet away. After pulling the visor of the matte-black helmet down, I zipped my leather jacket up completely, barely offering any protection from the cold. My feet kick the sleek, black motorcycle to life, pulling out of the private parking garage. It was where I stored both bikes I owned, and the unmarked car I often used for...business.

Saturday was quickly approaching and I still didn't have the slightest clue what club Genevieve would celebrate her birthday at. It was making me antsy. Westwood was a big city with a pretty popular night-life scene. I could think of three clubs a woman like Genevieve would grace with her presence. The only issue was: they were all on different ends of the city.

There was no way I could risk showing up at the wrong one, it would take at least an hour to travel between them on a Saturday night. The woman and I shared no mutual friends, there was no one I could subtly ask about her without drawing unwanted attention. Just as she'd said, the Bussolas received an official invitation to intimate gathering Vincenzo would host on the woman's behalf—it would take place on Friday.

I contemplated whether I'd be in attendance, considering the mere thought of seeing Genevieve wrapped around the old man's arm made me nauseous.

Perhaps I should sit that one out.

Nearing my destination, I switched the bike's ignition off. I rolled the machine a few feet, discreetly parking it around a corner before making my way towards the aged apartment building. The streetlight flickered a few times before switching off completely, offering a much-needed cover as I hustled around the back of the building.

I used the strength of my legs to launch me towards the ladder of the building's fire escape, pulling myself up until I was secured on the first flight of stairs. My steps were almost as light as a feather as I climbed to apartment on the top floor, using my knife to undo the old lock that held the window in place. I reached for my gun before making myself comfortable on the corner couch, counting down the minutes until I was no longer alone.

Just as I'd estimated, a set of keys rattled and the door burst open. The man staggered in, wildly tapping the walls in search of the light switch before eventually giving up.

"Hello Leonardo," my voice was low. "Just the man I needed to see."

The sound of my voice was enough to sober him up and he quickly found the switch with ease, flicking the ambient living room lights on.

"Merde Max, you scared me." He breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes fell on the gun that casually lay on my lap, and the man's usual olive-toned skin immediately paled.

Things had been going well with the Menza brothers. In fact, they'd taken such a liking to him that they were out drinking all night—on a Wednesday. Of course, it was great. It meant that my father's plan was coming to life. Luca and Lorenzo were immature, trusting and easy to bait. At only eighteen, and twenty-one years old, they both heavily relied on their father's name to get them whatever they wanted and wherever they wanted to be.

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way," I waved the handgun. "It's just a precaution."

He nodded, slowly dipping into the single seater on the other side of the room.

"I know my father's instructions were clear, and I can see things are going well in that regard. I needed to see you and obviously that couldn't be done under normal circumstances. No one can know I was here, and no one can know what we discussed...understand?"

"O-Of course,"
"Saturday," I breathed, leaning against the cushioned back of the couch. "Vinnie's wife will be going to a club to bring her birthday celebrations to a close. I need to know which one."

Mob Ties: Sleeping with the Enemy (intersex x woman)Where stories live. Discover now