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After a tearful goodbye at the airport, Genevieve was on her way to the Bussola Manor. She swiveled her head around to check on Ella's sleeping form, silently thanking the heavens that her daughter had been much calmer since their visit to the clinic.

She was still buzzing from the events that took place over the last few hours. Mitch showing up had brightened her day and knowing Cassandra would finally be heading home after months at her side was bittersweet. It was time.

"You good?" her brother asked from the driver seat.

She hummed. "You said Max gave you this car?"

He nodded in response.

"She really is something." She said dreamily.

Genevieve knew Max had her faults, and that being with the woman would be no easy feat but she was more than willing to work with what she saw. They still had so much to learn about each other, despite the numerous deep conversations between them.

If her mother were alive, she'd probably say something silly about their relationship, like 'you guys sure put the cart before the horse'. And they did. She was the mother of Max's child without them even being in a defined relationship. But Genevieve knew she wasn't the first woman to do that, nor would she be the last.

There was just something about that woman, that tall, tan-brown skinned woman, with her chiseled Italian jaw and dreamy hazel eyes that drew Genevieve like a moth to a flame. She didn't know just how large a space Max would grow to occupy in her heart before having experienced the turmoil that was living without her.

"Woah," Mitch turned onto the long driveway. "This is her house?"

"Well more like her parents' house, but yes..."

The car slowed but they were still some distance away from the massive house. Genevive stared at her brother questioningly.

"Listen," he began. "I know I've been gone for a while, but I'm here now. Max and her family are into some crazy stuff—I've only heard stories about Westwood's mafia, but what I did hear was pretty scary. You grown, I know that...but you're my little sister and I need to know you'll be okay with these folks."

Genevieve gave him a warm smile, "You got soft in prison or something?" she joked.

"Ha ha, yo' ass is funny." He rolled his eyes.

"I can handle myself Mitch. I been handling Vinnie for three years, or did you forget?"

"I didn't." he frowned, a faraway look on his face as the car regained speed.

She reached over, squeezing his shoulder gently. "They're not as bad as you think...and if it ever gets too much, you'll be the first person I call."

"That's all I ask."

Mitch drove them through the security checkpoint, the associate making a note of his license plate as they passed. There was a Ford pick-up truck idling in one of the parking spaces. A thin, pale man occupied the passenger seat, his upper body leaning onto the driver's side visibly uncomfortable.

Genevieve studied the man as he tugged his arms repeatedly and only then realized he'd been handcuffed to the steering wheel. Mitch raised a brow, parking in near the stone steps.

"Not so bad huh?" he scoffed.

Melanie Bussola met them on the last step, her arms wrapped around herself as the thin cardigan she wore did very little against the strong wind. Genevieve couldn't help but admire the older woman's beauty, hoping that she would age as gracefully as Melanie seemed to have been doing.

Mob Ties: Sleeping with the Enemy (intersex x woman)Where stories live. Discover now