part 11:Arrival

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A few days ago

Dumbledore sits in his office without a worry and then everything that he has set up to monitor the Potter twins go off they are in danger

Dumbledore:nothing to concern myself with they are likely just dealing with Vernon

Soon enough the alarms stop as Dumbledore enjoys the silence

A few days later

Dumbledore enters his office moving over to his desk sitting in his chair he let's out a tired sigh McGonagall is still against the Potter twins living with the Dursleys so he had to argue with her once more all of a sudden each of his monitoring devices explode leaving Dumbledore in shock unsure of what to do but he quickly shakes off his confusion and quickly heads off to the Dursleys house once he arrives he enters the house sees nothing out of place everyone is gone yet the keys are on the counter Dumbledore makes his way to the cupboard pulling out his wand as he does so he opens the cupboard and... Nothing the bed is still there if you can even call it a bed but all of of potter twins belongings are... Gone Dumbledore goes up to Dudley's room his things are still there so are Vernon and Petunia's things...Dumbledore waves his wand around casting some spells and he frowns when he doesn't get the results that he wanted Dumbledore leaves the house and moves to ask the neighbors first he'll ask Arabella Figg the squib he has watching Harry and Ren once he gets to her house he gently knocks on the door as she opens it

Figg:Albus do you need something

Dumbledore:I dont wish to be a bother but might I come inside

Figg:of course

Dumbledore enters the house seeing a few cats around the house


Ren and Harry fall onto a couch exhausted

Ren:why..... Why did we have to try out those skills

Rimuru:it wasn't that bad I'm actually happy that you both inherited some of my skills

Harry:so.... Tired...

Ren:so..... Hungry....

Rimuru:hahaha hey Diablo do you think you could make us something to eat

Rimuru leans over as Diablo lowers himself so that rimuru can whisper into his ear

Rimuru:make sure to keep shion out of the kitchen but not on my orders ok

Diablo:of course

Diablo leaves off towards the kitchen

Rimuru:so kiddos what do you think you've inherited some pretty cool skills huh

Harry:these skills.*huff* Are *huff* Impossible *huff* to understand

Ren:can we just take a moment *huff*... To wonder... Why the goblins were so nice

Harry:most important question .... How'd you get them to serve you

Rimuru:I have experience with goblins....

Rimuru looks to the side for just a moment


Ciel:yes he's searching for the twins

Rimuru:he won't get them

Rimuru:onto a more important matter you two

Both Harry and Ren look at Rimuru

Rimuru:tell me do you two.... Have any... Friends

Harry:oh I got friends at Hogwarts

Ren:I have....

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