Part 15: Coronation Part 1

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The day has arrived the day where Ren will be announced to be Rimuru's heir the day where Ren and Harry are to meet Several important people Harry is with Rimuru welcoming the guests and where is Ren well

Ren leans against a tree hiding as Shuna runs past once shuna's gone Ren let's out a breathe

Ren:alright I know I have a lot to do but this is just way to much

All of The Jura Tempest Federation has prepared for this day everyone is here and after the 500th person that Ren had to greet Ren ran escaping everything for a bit just for a bit so she can relax for a moment

Ren looks around seeing no one around she begins to walk a little deeper into the forest not planing on going to far but far enough that she can have some peace and quiet once she's far enough she sits down underneath a tree and leans hear head against the tree closing her eyes and letting out a breathe already exhausted with today's events and it's not even over yet Ren feels something heavy on her right knee opening her eyes Ren sees noire on her right knee looking at her

Ren:oh ...hey Noire... Guess you can tell I'm pretty nervous about all this huh don't worry I'll go back soon I just... I just need a bit ok

Noire looks at Ren before closing her eyes as the two just sit there in silence for a few minutes before Ren decides she should probably head back before her father or someone else thinks she's gone missing or worse shuna manages to find her

Ren:ok Noire I'm getting up now alright why don't you go ahead and head home or go hang out with Hedwig where ever Hedwig is

Noire flies off leaving Ren alone as Ren gets up rather then returning to the city immediately Ren decides it would be ok to take a little bit longer so she turns around and goes to head deeper into the forest but Ren bumps into someone resulting on Ren falling back on to the ground as well as causing the person to fall back as well

Ren:ow sorry about that

Ren looks at who she bumped into seeing a girl with purple hair who has her eyes closed and is rubbing her forehead

Girl:that actually hurt

Ren:who... I know I've been told of someone who fits her description ... Oh... I know who she is she's Ultima the Chief Prosecutor of the Public Prosecution Office at least that's what I was told and she matches what I was told Ultima looks like so I'm pretty sure this is her

Ultima:Who? Oh... Ren sama I'm sorry

Ren gets up and offers Ultima her hand

Ren:dont worry about I I kinda bumped into you so my fault sorry about that I'll try and watch where I'm going next time

Ultima looks at Ren and then at Ren's hand as she takes it allowing Ren to pull her up

Ultima:I am sorry Ren sama I didn't mean to run into you

Ren:nah don't worry about it I wasn't paying attention .... What are you doing out here though

Ultima:actually Ren sama i was looking for you your coronation will be beginning soon is

Ren:oh... Right the coronation right

Ultima:Ren sama.... Are you ok

Ren:pfft me I'm fine nothing to worry about at all well huh... Thanks for looking for me and telling me the coronation will be soon I'll be sure to.. Make my way over to Dad in a bit just need a little bit more time to myself thanks for looking for me though um tell dad I'll be there soon ok

Ultima:... She's nervous

Ren walks off as Ultima looks towards her and then back at the huge festival before deciding to follow Ren who walks deeper into the forest until she finally stops walking and just sits down taking a deep breathe

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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