6) the truth

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"What are you" Elena asked Stefan again when he didn't answer.

"Are you gonna stand there in a daze all day or are you gonna tell us what you are" Dani asked and Stefan stayed silent. "Say something" Dani said causing Stefan to snap out of his daze.

"You know" Stefan said. "No, we don't" Elena said. "Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here" Stefan said.

"It's not possible it can't be" Elena said. Stefan stepped outside closing the door behind him.

"If you're going to murder us, I'd think twice" Dani said. "I'm not going to murder you relax" Stefan said.

"Everything you know and every belief that you have is about to change" Stefan said. "Are you ready for that" Stefan asked. "What are you" Elena asked.

"I'm a vampire" Stefan said after a moment. "I shouldn't have come" Elena said. "No please" Stefan said.

Stefan went to get closer to Elena, but she rushed off holding Dani's hand. Elena stopped when she saw Stefan in front of her. Elena looked back and looked at Stefan.

"How did you do that" Elena asked. "Please don't be afraid of me" Stefan said.

"Let us go" Elena said. "Elena there's things that you and Dani have to know and understand" Stefan said.

"Let us go" Elena yelled. "Elena please" Stefan said Elena and got in her car with Dani and drove off.


Elena went into Dani's room after talking to Stefan after he snuck in Elena's room, and she managed to get him to leave. "Hey, are you okay" Elena asked Dani and sat next to her.

"Yeah, yeah I just can't believe everything I've ever read is real" Dani said. "We'll get through it" Elena said.

"I know it just it's crazy one minute it's fake, the next it's real" Dani said. "Yeah, I know" Elena said. "Come here" Elena said and hugged Dani.


Elena and Dani were with Stefan after they asked for him to meet them.

"You said you would explain everything that's why I asked you to meet me here when you google vampire you get a world of fiction" Elena said.

"What's the reality" Elena asked. "I can tell you both whatever you wanna know" Stefan said. "I know you eat garlic" Elena said.

"Yes" Stefan said. "And somehow sunlight's not an issue" Dani said and the waitress gave them their drinks before leaving.

"We have rings that protect us" Stefan said. "Crucifixes" Dani asked. "Decorative" Stefan said. "Holy water" Elena asked. "Drinkable" Stefan said.

"Mirrors" Dani asked. "Myth" Stefan said. "You said you don't kill to survive" Elena said.

"Animal blood keeps me alive but not as strong as Damon he can be very powerful" Stefan said.

"You ate Bambi how dare you I think I rather hear you drink human blood" Dani said. "You're seriously judging me for eating Bambi" Stefan asked. "Yes, I am" Dani said.

"And yet you let him get involved with Caroline" Elena asked Stefan going back to Damon.

"Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous believe me" Stefan said. "He was hurting her" Elena said.

"He was feeding on her he was able to take away her memories of being bitten using a form of mind compulsion she never knew what was happening to her if he wanted to kill her, he would have" Stefan said.

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