- Plot part 3 -

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They climb down to the trees where another person awaits them , a cheery forest elf with the power of nature , weird hair and a flower dress. She guides the rest of them all the way down through a cableway. Once down the forest elf her mood changes and she frowns. The others ask what's wrong. She tells that a factory nearby (which if from the dark king) dumps a lot of waste in the river that goes through the forest. This is bad for both the plants in the forest as well  for the animals. The team sees the damage it's doing and can't take it. But with the power of light they think they can change it... At night they sneak in the factory and break it all down. The alarm goes off and after a few minutes Luna can feel others nearing , she can see which power they have , which level they are and how many health they have. They rest questions how she does that as nobody can do that but they stay silent and don't hesitate one second. They go to the door and in defend mode as the dark warriors come running in. There is a big fight and everybody seems to run out of health. The dark warriors see Luna as the biggest threat and almost all of them go to her. Luna fights back hard but it become so many , she doesn't pay attention as one jumps to her from behind... Suddenly Brain jumps in front of her , getting the blow. He falls down to the ground dead as one arm is cut off by the accident. Luna turns around in shock by what she sees as tears fill her eyes. Sure to finish each one of the warriors her health and powers grow... With only one special move she wipes out all of the dark warriors. The other two watch in amazement to all the power Luna has hidden in herself. Right after Luna rushes to Brian and holds him tight in her arms as she cries. She says "I wish you still were alive" ...since he means a lot to her. Then Brian comes back alive and coughs. They all can't believe what they see , neither do they understand how Luna has brought him back to life. Brian groans as Luna holds him more tight. They all bring him back to the great forest where he will be taken care of. Luna stays with him the whole time and falls asleep on a chair next to his bed. She gets teleported back to the normal world as she sleeps , holding the Vii A in her hand. She dreams about a big dark shadow figure following her while she hears other voices screaming. The shadow monster almost catches her... Then she scares awake... Still worried about Brian she gets up and gets breakfast knowing she has to go to school. She walks near the tv and watches the news. There is a news report about a lot of missing children... some seem very familiar with the people she saw in the game others she doesn't know... She drops her cracker and realizes she NEEDS to play the game out and win. If it isn't for saving that world and the people within , it's for the other kids trapped in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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