Omega x Reader x Crosshair

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To Steal From A Criminal

1029 words

"Don't take too long or we leave without you!" Our sergeant yelled to us as we were walking away.

I always loved when we stopped for supply runs. I would get to interact with people other than the batch or people who tried to kill us. It was a nice breath of fresh air.

"Y/n, remember: no randomly running off, okay?"

"Yeah yeah Mr. Grumpy Pants, i got it the first few times." I rolled my eyes at Crosshair.

"He can't tell you what to do! He's not your dad!" Omega laughed while walking backwards, in front of us.

Crosshair rolled his eyes and i heard him mutter 'idiots' under his breath.

It had been almost 20 minutes and we were only halfway through the list. The thing was, there were only 4 items we needed.

"It's impossible to find these things!" I stated, clearly frustrated.

Suddenly, i felt someone bump into me. It caught me off guard so i reached for my blaster before noticing the man walking away.

"That was odd." The little girl said, coming to my side.

"Yeah." I narrowed my eyes in confusion, and thought for a moment.

Something wasn't right...

"Who wears all black in this heat?" I shrugged it off and kept going.

After 10 more minutes of walking through the town market, we only needed one more thing from the list: food.

"That should be easy. There's plenty of shops that sell food!" Omega pointed out.

"Let's hurry up then. The sooner we get back, the less time i have to put up with you two."

I shook my head at the clones remarks.

"Love you too." I said as i nudged his arm.

The three of us walked around going to various food vendors, which weren't hard to find, until we had a good amount of items that could last us until our next supply run.

"I'll notify Hunter that we're on our way back." I told my friends.

"Wouldn't want them leaving us here." Omega said, recalling what Hunter had told us as we left.

I raised my arm to speak into my comms but quickly realized-

"Where'd my communicater go?"

"How did you manage to lose that, y/n?" Crosshair asked in a tone that made it seem like he was totally unfazed by me losing something.

Now i started to panic.

I quickly pat down all of my pockets before retracing my last steps. After no luck, i started to pace back and forth.

"It's really not that deep. We'll get you anoth-"

"No, Crosshair!" I raise my hand up to stop him from speaking anymore, "Just let me think."

Just then, a thought came to my head and i stopped in my tracks.

"What is it y/n?" Omega asked me, intrigued by what i might be thinking.

I nodded and held my finger up, as if agreeing with myself on how legit my idea was.

"The guy that bumped into me earlier, he's a thief!" I shouted in excitment because i figured it out, "I'm so smart."

I heard laughing coming from my right. I looked over to see Crosshair, laughing to himself.

"Whats so funny?" I asked him, with a smug look on my face.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to figure that out."

My face dropped. I reached over to punch him in the arm to which he didn't react, only laughed more.

I have to say, even if it was at the expense of myself, i was glad to be able to make Crosshair laugh.

I rolled my eyes and let a small smile show on my face.

"Let's go find the little thief and teach him a lesson." I said before walking off.

"He won't mess with us again!" Omega fist pumped the air before following me down the street.

We searched the area for a good amount of time before Crosshair called it quits. I didn't want to leave without justice, and Omega just wanted an adventure. But eventually we gave in to Crosshairs demands.

"I still can't believe we let him get away." Omega said, disappointed, as we walked back through the market.

I agreed with her but knew we couldn't keep the rest of the crew waiting.

Out of nowhere, Crosshair - who was walking in front of me - stopped, causing me to crash into him.

"Hey, what was that for?" I asked as i rubbed my face from the vicious attack.

His silence got me confused, and i looked up at him. He was staring at something in the distance.

"Is that our guy?" He asked me, not breaking his gaze from the target.

I looked to where he was looking and immediately recognized him.


"Then what are we waiting for!" Omega cut in, "Let's get him before he runs away again!"

I started to follow the little girl until Crosshair stopped us.

"Hold on." He said, while pulling out his sniper.

"Dude!" I whisper shouted, looking around to make sure no one saw him with a giant ass gun. Though i'm sure everybody did, "Just don't kill him... yet. I want to speak to him."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say y/n." He said as he looked through his scope and pressed the trigger, making sure to only hit the thiefs foot.

We caught up with the pickpocket, he was limping away from us.

"Please, d-don't kill me!" He pleaded.

"We aren't going to hurt you." Omega reassured the man, while not really knowing if we were going to kill him or not.

"I just want my communicater back." I told him, sticking out my hand for him to place it in.

He hesitated then looked at Crosshair, who had his gun pointed right at the thief, and seemed to be eager to give me my item back. I gave a cheeky smile and thanked him for his cooperation.

I was about to turn around to head back to the ship, but stopped myself.

"By the way," i looked at the thief who looked back at me, "it's a little too hot to be wearing all black. Don't ya think?"

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