-A Little Laughter or Happy Ever After-

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I'm unleashing my inner musical/theater kid self in this chapter

High school AU

Inkopolis Academy is a prestigious school located in Inkopolis that is opened to talented inklings and octolings. Despite being a tough school to get into cephalopods with extraordinary skills in sports, arts, music, programming, structuring etc, who are up for the challenge are welcomed to apply.


I wish I didn't go to school this early. I wish I didn't wake up today. WHY DID I FALL FOR SOME STUPID TRICK?!

It was a normal day in Inkopolis Academy. Students coming in early, talking with other students, waiting for class to start. Others come exactly on time, right before class starts. A certain cyan squid sophomore was one of those. But for once he showed up earlier than usual.

Uggghhhh... I woke up earlier than usual for updates on slots for that video game creator club. NOT Open Auditions from the school's drama club AND THEY'RE STARTING A SCHOOL PLAY?!?  UHHGG Why Did I trust ALOHA?!?!! COD WHYY?!?

The cyan squid stood in front of the school's gigantic front bulletin board. Looking at it with disappointment on how his classmate nearly tricked him into joining something he was Highly against. He absolutely despised waking a couple hours earlier to be the first one to sign up for a game creating club, all for it to be auditions for a school play. He just decides to go to his classroom to wait for the remaining hour to pass.

The sophomore enters his classroom to see some of his classmates already there. His eyes wander through the few students who came in early. Moon, Jersey, Army, Half-Rim and of course the squid who tricked him for his early arrival, Aloha. The squid groans softly as he makes his way to his seat, hoping to not be noticed by the pink inkling, but unfortunately he was.

"Yo! Mask!"
He certainly did not want to see his classmate after what he did, let alone talk to him. He just ignores and continues to march to his seat. "Hey, don't ignore me!" The pink squid finally caught up to the cyan one by the time his bag was settled behind his seat. "What do youuu want...?" Mask irritatedly asks his pink classmate who just shows a grin before continuing. "Soo... did'ya sign up for the play?" He just shot Aloha a death glare which gave away his answer to the other who shows a fake dramatically surprised expression.

Mask's POV

"HUH?! How could'ja not audition Mask?!? You used to LO—" I shoved his tie straight into his mouth before he could finish which obviously got confused and concerned faces from the other students. Mostly from my seat mate, Moon, who was talking with Jersey. GuUAaggHh WHY.
I just slap my entire hand on my face before dragging Aloha out to through the class' back door to finish or end our conversation.

"Look here Aloha. I Am NOT a middle school Theater kid who'd Always listen Or watch musicals or musical theater GOT THAT!!" I tried not to make my voice too loud that student passing by the hallway would notice.

"Woah, woah, chill dude. You didn't need to make me eat my own tie-"

"You wouldn't shut up if I Didn't!"

"Geez dude, sorry. I just thought you'd wanna join the school play cuz~ 'you know who' signed up for the audition too~"

Before I could object, Aloha had already slipped into the classroom to mess around with his friend who just arrived. I just stood there, irritated on what that party animal just said. I was about to return to the classroom until I heard someone singing in the halls. A somewhat short blue-haired girl wearing a gray zippered hoodie instead of the usual cardigan or uniform jacket most students wear. She is pretty much skipping in the halls while singing some song that I refuse to know.
"It's a revenge party, a party that ends with somebody's head on a spike~!"
I just ignored her while I enter my classroom as she passed by the hall in front of it.

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