chp 9: touring the kingdom

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bakugou woke up in kirishima's arms. he was up earlier than the redheaded male, sighing into his chest. he winced slightly when kirishima's hand tightened around his middle back. his fingers had curled slightly into the shirt he was wearing. 

"katsuki, what's wrong?" kirishima's voice rang out softly in the morning air. "did i hurt you?"

katuski shifted his head from kirishima's chest to his shoulder so he could look up at him in a  better angle. bakugou's features were soft and breathtaking in the morning sun that was shining through the open balcony window. 

bakugou buried himself back into kirishima's body. he left out a slight grunt, "no, it's okay." he mumbled. 

kirishima had furrowed eyebrows, his lips pressed into a thin line as he didn't give his usual morning grin. kirishima cupped bakugou's chin, tilting it upwards so the blond wasn't in his neck hiding from the world. usually bakugou was up before him and he would already be out of bed instead of just laying in kirishima's arms. the blond was unusually calm and at peace this particular morning. at least, that's what kirishima thought.

"hey my beautiful husband," he grinned seeing bakugou's pale face redden in a blush. "let me show you my kingdom. does that sound nice?"

"yeah, it does." 

they got up for the morning, both being wary of their injuries without trying to give away they are in pain. kirishima grabbed bakugou's hand, just as usual he rubbed his thumb over each scar. he didn't even have to look at the blond to know where the scars on his hands imprinted in. 

bakugou leaned his head on the red haired male's shoulder, squeezing his hand just because he felt like it. kirishima gave a big toothy grin and squeezed his hand back. a light skip in his step as they left the castle, their body guards trailing behind them but out of earshot. 

there was a light skip in his steps, he swung bakugou's hand back and forth in between their bodies. his palm engulfing bakugou's hand, the rough structure of his hand was a nice feeling to bakugou. there was something intriguing and familiar with his hands being that rough. 

he just couldn't pinpoint it. 

"katsuki." kirishima softly called, the blond rotated his head up as his features were softer than usual. kirishima's heart went haywire, he truly felt lucky to have bakugou as his husband. "what do you want to see first?"

"all your favorite places." bakugou said, "this is your kingdom, i have no idea what the fuck is here." 

kirishima snickered, kissing the top of his head gently. 

as soon as they left the gates, they only took a few steps before people began to line up and waved. some trying to talk to them, but their guards stepped in, keeping them back as bakugou and kirishima waved saying their hello's and farewell's. 

a little kid managed to slip through their guard's, he ran and hugged kirishima's legs. 

"future king kirishima!" he smiled, "we missed you, come out more!"

kirishima chuckled, patting his head and squatting. from this action his hold on bakugou disappeared, bakugou didn't know he was capable of being jealous. bakugou didn't even know he would want to be a kid.

how dare that brat take kirshima's attention? he's the one married to the false redhead, so why was kirishima not focused on him. his lips turned into a small frown before it turned into a full pout as they were royalty, their attention's will be gone a lot.

"i'm sorry!" kirishima smiled, "it's not very manly of me to leave my people by themselves." 

the kid giggled, gently being lifted up by denki. he wiggled his fingers as electricity flew out and tickled the kid. the kid giggled, waving and then running off with his friends when denki put him down. 

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