I'm found

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Hello, hello there! Sorry for the long wait!

I currently have a new job! This new job of mine is time-consuming, you see. I did not have the spare time (or energy) to write and update. I was very busy, so please forgive me for not uploading the final chapter.

The story gets a little bit of action-filled content. I don't know how to write fighting scenes, but I hope I did well.

And also~ Season 3 finally ended! Yayy!! I cried like a bitch at the very cinematic scene between Tanjiro and Nezuko. Even though I knew what was about to happen, it still left me in tears. It was a great ending!

Muzan kinda looked spicy on that episode tho. Ya hear me, ya hear me!??? I did not expect that his backstory would come out already. But wow, I ain't complaining!

Thank you for reading this fic so far! If you find any mistakes, please let me know!

Warning: Attempted suicide


The sun wasn't up yet when Michikatsu left their primary base. He was informed, after all, that an attack would occur in the morning, so before that could happen, he has to reach Mount Natagumo first before their enemies could. Once he arrived, he will see to it that all the remaining people residing in that area, including the valuable loot they have stored, will be safe and secured. Then, they shall leave at once before the soldiers of the kingdom have arrived.

If it were to end badly, then the last option to take is to abandon the mission.

Michikatsu currently had his head low, sneaking about as he traveled. His cloak covered his form and he acted swiftly despite the darkness shrouded over the path. He, of course, needed to be careful as there could be eyes watching him at the moment.

It is a long journey to reach the base.

He navigated through the thick forest. The tall trees eerily wrapped his small figure as he trekked on, growing anxious every minute as darkness loomed menacingly. Deeper and deeper he went.

The atmosphere of the area was quite unhelpful. The very forest reminded him of an old memory. One he vividly remembers and one he wants to forget. Nevertheless, Michikatsu brushes that away, focusing on the mission at hand despite the ghost of that childhood memory lingering within his mind.

The path to the base is difficult. People often get lost in this dangerous forest if they aren't so careful. Hours had passed and he has yet to fully reach their base. However, after what felt like years, he had finally arrived. The moment he spotted their base, Michikatsu couldn't help but release a sigh of relief. Immediately, he saw wagons, piles of boxes, and his men who had arrived earlier than him surrounding the place and packing things up.

Michikatsu immediately returned to his stern self. All in business now as his men began to notice his presence.

They bowed as the high-ranking man approached them. Silence quickly came to greet them as they observed that a majestic presence had entered the territory.

"Lord Kokushibo, greetings." One of his men took the pleasure to address him. Those tired eyes trained on Michikatsu with a tinge of relief. "I take it the walk has been uneventful."

"Yes," Michikatsu agreed with a short nod. "I do not sense any unwelcomed aura in the area, but that does not mean that we should take our time to pack. We must hurry so that we could cover our tracks at best."

The man straightened at the steely voice. "Yes, sir!" He swiftly turned around to face the others. "Come on, men! Get moving! Double-time, double-time!"

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