I need you with me

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F: I need you with me
F: Sorry for the random weird texts, miss you even more than usual

M: Awwww I miss you too

F: I'm feeling very clingy, so I'm sorry about that.

M: No no, please don't apologize!
M: I kind like it 😊

F: I'm glad, because I just spent like 20 minutes staring at a flower and listening to music thinking about you.
F: It was nice.
F: If you're wondering, the two songs I mainly listened 2 were kiss Goodnight and from the gallows

M: Awwwww I love from the gallows! That's so sweet! What were you thinking about?

F: I picked a flower, because I like to keep flowers as ways to keep memories in a tangible form. And I was just thinking about how beautiful you were, and how beautiful the flower was. I was just staring at it, and I couldn't get you out of my head. Everywhere I go, I can't stop thinking about how I want you here with me.
F: Everything in this world is better when I get to see it with you.
F: At one point, I started to tear up sitting outside the shop and staring at this flower. It was strange, I was tearing up thinking about how beautiful you are. I can't explain it.

M: See, I told you you'd make a great poet if you tried.
M: My love, that was so sweet. Beyond that, it was just beautiful and so pure.

F: Maybe you're right.
F: I'm glad you thought so.
F: I think I've missed you more lately because every time I see you, I'm reminded of every reason why I love you.

M: That is too precious!

F: I'm glad you don't think I sound weird.

M: I feel as if I fall more in love with you each time I see you.

F: I as well, I don't ever want to go back to living somewhere i can't go and see you.
F: I need to be with you.

M: And I need to hold you.

F: I need to be held by you.
F: I want to fall asleep in your arms, and the first thing I see when I wake up to be you.

M: I'd smile and kiss you on the forehead with a warm good morning. That is my happiness.

F: That's mine too.
F: But for now, I have to go to sleep without you by my side. But I can rest well knowing it is only temporary.
F: I love you so much, maura. And I could spend an eternity telling you all the ways I love you, but for now I have to go.
F: Sleep well my dear. I will text you as soon as I wake up to tell you good morning and to ask how you slept. Again, I love you so much sweetheart, and I'm a happier person every time I talk to you.

M: Sleep well, my love. I can't wait to hear you say sweet things as we fall asleep rather than to read them, but I can be patient. I love you, Finn. Goodnight.

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