Let's go look at the stars

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M: I need snuggles
M: And smooches
M: And you

F: I want you.

M: Sorry it took me a second to respond, I had to remember how to breathe

F: I'm having a lot of fun with this. I just wish I could see you're face.

M: I'm kinda glad you can't haha
M: Cause wow, that was wildly attractive

F: I want to see you blush, red looks so good on you.

M: For someone who's good at writing, I am at a total loss of words. Entirely. I mean, just-
M: Wow
M: That was-
M: You should really write a poem or something because I-
M: Just, that was so smooth

F: Well I'm glad you think so dear.
F: I wish I could stare into your eyes.

M: I think I'd melt

F: Well you're dangerously hot so it's a possibility I'd melt too.

M: How will two puddles ever fair

F: Two puddles against the world haha

M: That was so adorable

F: Thank you love

M: I fall apart when you call me that. Say it in person and I'll fall right into your arms.

F: That makes me so happy Maura. I want to hold you so badly.

M: Please do
M: Come over
M: Take me away
M: Let's go look at the stars

F: I would love nothing more.
F: I'd love to run away for a bit, away from all the noise. And just have it be you, me, and the stars.

M: Oh my god, I love you so much

F: I promise you with all my heart Maura, that soon enough it'll be that way every night.
F: We can stare at the stars all night if you want, I don't care what we do, as long as we're doing it together.

M: Look out the window for a minute

F: Yes ma'am.

M: Now we're looking at the same sky together

F: It feels more beautiful already my love.

M: That's precious

F: I mean it. The glow of the moon tonight reminds me of those beautiful golden rings in your eyes. It makes me miss you even more.

M: Well, you didn't have to make me cry

F: I'm sorry dear. I would wipe them away if I could.

M: it's a good cry

F: I know love.

M: This is perfect.
M: You are just...perfect.

F: I could say the same to you my dear.
F: I want to go somewhere and get lost with you, if that makes sense. Like I just wanna pick a part of the world and explore with zero sense of anything with you there with me. Hell we could go to the woods somewhere and as long as you're there I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between there and heaven.

M: I've never read anything that expressed how I feel about you so well before now and I'm so beyond overjoyed to know that you feel the same.

F: I'm so happy that we feel the same on this.
F: I can't wait to live my life with you Maura. Not a thing in this world or anywhere outside of it could make me as happy as you do.

M: I feel glowy. That's the only way I can describe it. I feel warm and cozy. I feel at home. And you made me feel that way. You are my home.

F: You are my home as well, wherever I am, I feel safe and cozy as long as you're right next to me.

M: I can't wait until I don't have to imagine you by my side anymore. I'll just be able to look to my side and see your smile.

F: That may seem like an eternity away, but it's closer than you think dear.

M: Two years at most. I can wait.
M: I can try at least

F: We've got this my love.

M: That felt so supportive and so empowering. We do got this, don't we

F: I'm glad to hear it. Yes we do honey!

M: I have to go to bed now
M: But I love you dearly, Finn. Goodnight and sleep well my love

F: Goodnight my love. Sleep well. I love you so very much.

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