A Dream I Had

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M: Hey, wanna hear about this dream I had the other night?

F: Yeah, absolutely

M: So, you and I were married and we had a son. And he was about 7 or 8 in this dream and he asked me what it felt like to be in love
M: And so I explained that it was the most strange yet magical sensation out there
M: And how, when the person you're in love with isn't around you, you feel like you can't breath because they're your oxygen
M: And how, it constantly feels like a rainy day until you're around them because they are your sun
M: And a whole lot of other things that I can't quite remember

F: That's an apt description

M: But it ended with our son saying, "I hope I can fall in love like you and daddy some day"
M: And I woke up. And that just solidified how much I'm truly in love

F: Aww thank you love, I feel the same way!

M: So, just know that you're my sun and you're my oxygen

F: Well in that case you're my moon and stars

M: Finn darling, I don't even know what to say to that

F: You don't need to know, I understand

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