Turn Your Eyes

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Dear God, 

Today has been a difficult day Father. I am trying to turn my eyes to You and focus on Your gaze as the things around me shift in ways that I am not comfortable with. I think it is fair enough to say that I am horrible when it comes to change, and things have changed so much since joining my current ministry and serving underneath Sam. With life coming at me in so many different ways, it is hard to stand, and keep my eyes on You. It is hard to focus, it is hard to hear. It is hard to want to stay... I am trying to turn my eyes to You, Jesus. I am trying to look to You because I know that You are my only hope. There is no other savior. There is no other solution. There is no other long lasting comfort. I know that I complain too much. I know that I have had a negative heart. I know that I have been so unhappy, and for that I am sorry. I try to learn, to grow, and I feel like I every time I am learning something there is another thing that comes along and demolishes any progress I have made. I am tired. I know that at some points, You too, were tired, Jesus. I know that You can relate, as I know your  tiredness was above my own. I will continue on, Jesus. I just pray that rest will come soon. Whether I learn how to find it in You, or my life changes for the better, I pray that I can please feel peace. I just want things to stop for awhile. I love You, and I want to do better. Be better. So that I can continue to serve You. 


12:45 on Friday, July 27th 2023,

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