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I'm mostly going off memory with the entrance ceremony. Also for those who want Leona, there is a bit of tension between the two. They have some history.

So far the entrance ceremony was really boring. The most interesting thing were peoples reactions to you coming out of your coffin.

"That is one big kid."
But two of the six dorm leaders present already knew who you were and were wondering why you were here. Night Raven College is an all boys school. Kalim and Leona were not the only one's wondering why in the world a girl was here, it was everyone. Because it was obvious; you are the crown princess of a kingdom, you are tall as hell, and curvy. Everyone knew you were a girl, but no one said anything about it because you're rich and powerful.

But back to the ceremony it was still boring but now there's one person infront of you getting assigned a dorm. He got put into Pomefiore and was devistated, but now it's your turn.

"State your name."
"Y/n l/n." Those who couldn't identify you before were now very shocked, you rolled your eyes.
"Y/n. That nature of your soul is... Savanaclaw."
You look to Leona with a smirk on your face.
"Y/n here's you pen, go sit down." The lion man said.
"Okay Leona."
After you got sorted a few more students got sorted as well.

"We're done with orientation and dorm assignments? All right, new students- let me be clear. At Heartslabyul, I am the law. Break the rules, and it's off with your head!" A short boy with red hair said.
Leona yawned. "Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw, follow me."
"New students! Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement. As dorm leader of Octavinelle, I am honered to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience."
"Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went? He dissapeared midway through the ceremony..." Said a guy you identified as Vil Schoenheit.
"Some headmage he is." The tablet said.
"Maybe he had a tummyache?" Kalim offered.

He then burst through the door a teen following behind him with a raccoon.
"I most certaninly did not!"
"Ah speak of the devil." The Heartsabyul houce warden muttered.
"If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show for orientation. You are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I'll watch your weasel." What the hell was he talking about it didn't look like a weasel. If anything it resembles a cat or a raccoon.

'This just got interesting.' You thought as you started to walk up to Leona.
"Wanna make a bet?"
"With you? No." Leona curtly replied.
"Aww I didn't even tell you what it was."
"Don't need to, knowing you I'll lose."
"Well that's no fun." You pouted

"Go ahead step up to the mirror and state your name."
You smirked, because you had a feeling that things were about to get interesting. Leona saw this smirk and instantly knew what you were thinking.
"My name is Hirasaka Yuuka." That doesn't sound like a guy name or voice, but you've met plenty of people in your life so you don't want to judge.
"This soul is utterly vacant." There were a myriad of gasps and whispers (even a few clear words) that could be heard throughout the Mirror Chamber.
"There is no color, no magic, therefor no dorm is suitable."

"Yeah you would have lost."
"Can't run it in if it didn't happen."
While you and Leona were talking the fire rat got free from the Headmage and started throwing fire everywhere.
"Well damn." You said.
"Well said." Responded Leona.
Kalim started running around like a headless chicken.
"I'm on fire!"
"Oh shit- Kalim!" You yell as you jog over to him.
You grab him by the shoulders, turn him around, and then cast a water spell.
"Are you okay?" You ask.
"Y/n what are you doing here? Oh yeah I'm fine now."
"The Headmage made a little wager with me. I'll explain it to you in full later."

"Wha- my magic! I can't use it!"
"That mongrel seems to have caused quite the problem." You murmur.
Despite the red head boy using his unique magic the fires were not put out.
You grab your magic pen and mutter a spell that no one can understand. The room starts to sparkle and a bunch of flower petals rush through the room. They put out the fires and undo the damage done to the students and the property.

"Way to show off." Said a deep voice from behind you, you turn around and lo and behold it's Lilia.
"Malleus is not going to like this, it seems he one again was not informed he was invited."

Time skip because I'm lazy and don't feel like writing the rest of the ceremony!

"So, why are you here?" Leona asks.
"Long story."
"You have all the time in the world." Leona replies.
"No I have enough time till you fall asleep."
"Yeah better hurry it up cus right now we don't have a room for you." The lion reveals.
"All of our rooms are either fill with students or random junk. As of right now we are sleeping in the same room till we can have a room built for you."
"Fine it'll be like when we were kids." You say.
"Don't change the subject on me, why are you at NRC?"
You sigh "I felt bad. Crowley came seeking an audience with me and asked me to send funding to the school."
"That seems right up your alley."
"Normally but he's Crowley. I was like 'why should I send money I don't care about your school' and he was like 'if you cared would you send money' so I payed him a small amount to come and I'd give him the rest if I liked it here."
"That's such a you thing." Leona said shaking his head.
"Well I did it so it's definitely a me thing. Let's go to bed."

I hope I gave them enough sexual tension.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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