Second chances.

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Melanie's car comes to a stop outside of my house. I sigh and turn to her. She smiles at me as I get out of the car. I walk up to the door and push it open. I hear a voice in the kitchen when I walk in.

"-DID WHAT? I-I CANT BELIEVE- WHAT ,NO YOU LISTEN TO ME. I DONT WANT TO HERE YOUR SOB STORY OKAY ? THIS IS MY SISTER YOU DID THIS TOO. MY ONLY SISTER. MY TWIN SISTER. THE PERSON THAT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME. I-I trusted her with you Mikey. For gods sake couldn't you have just keep it in your pants ? Holy hell... You know what just don't call. I really don't want to talk to you right now." Michael's voice muted and a sigh sounded. I feel my tears well up on my water line as I sink down the wall. My head rests against the wall as I cry more. Michael comes over and picks me up carrying me up stairs. He lays me down on my bed pull the covers up to my chin. He lays down next to me pulling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry Rea..." He says quietly. I close my eyes and let the heart ache soak in. This is why love sucks. You think everything is perfect and great but it never can be either of those things because it's fucking love. And love sucks. God i was so naive and stupid. Why on earth did I think a relationship with one of my brothers friends would ever work out again. I hate that he makes me hurt this much. I hate it so much! God I wish it didn't hurt. I wish I just felt okay...

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**2 days later**

Mikey has been blowing up my phone for the few days with texts, calls,face times; everything.

Mikey ;))-- Reagan baby please call me please let me explain. I know what it seems like but it's not that, at all ! Please baby call me.

Mikey ;))-- Reagan please..

Mikey ;))-- Just give me a call, please

Mikey ;))-- I need you babygirl please.

Reagan-- if you need me why the hell is Monica in the picture ?

Mikey ;))-- just call me so I can explain. Please Reagan give me a chance.

I glance over at Michael and he nods. I press the call button and put it on speaker. It doesn't even ring once before Mikey picks up.

"Reagan thank you-"

"I don't want to hear you apologise I want to hear who the fuck Monica is and why she is texting." He sighs and goes quite for a minute.

"Okay Monica an old friend of mine from when I lived in New Jersey. She's been in California for the last few weeks and we've been texting. I didn't want to tell you because I thought you'd get jealous okay ? But we didn't have sex. We hung out the other night at Darwin's pizzeria and then I went home. That's it. Okay I wouldn't cheat on you babygirl." I look at Michael who's still looks a little sceptical.

"That doesn't justify why you were acting like an asshole." I say

"I don't know-"

"Don't give me that bullcrap Mikey."

"Okay! Okay. Well Monica tried to get me to bang her but I wouldn't I kept telling her no, that I have a girlfriend but she kept trying. I told her that I was with you and she said that if you wouldn't have sex with me then you weren't worth it and I guess I... I was trying to see if you'd let me..." I shake my head and close my eyes.

"So if I had let you ,you would have ?"

"..I- I don't know."

"Mikey..." I growl

"Sorry sorry. Yeah I guess. Reagan we've been together for almost two months and I guess I just wanted to make us more official you know ?"

"Mikey you know how I am about this stuff."

"I know baby and I'm sorry that I was being a stupid asshole. How can I make it up to you?" I sit and think for a minute before giving my answer.

"First I'd like to read the text messages between you and Monica. Next I want to meet her. Then.. Maybe just maybe I can consider a date. But even then your still on probation." He sighs and my heart drops a little. Was I too demanding ?

"Okay. Okay I can do that." My heart flutters when he says that.

"Great Michael will come pick up your phone tomorrow at 12. You better not delete anything you hear me ?"

"Yes ma'am loud and clear."

"Okay goodnight." I press end and lean back against my head board.

"You did the right thing Rea. He deserves to have to work for you trust back." He says getting out of my bed kissing the top of my head.

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys ! I hope you liked this chapter, I really like how turned out. I'm sorry I took me so long to write it but I'm trying. I will try and have the next chapter up in a few days but no promises. Like I said before I hope you enjoyed ,please give this story a vote pleaseeee! The more votes mean more reasons to write which means more chapters so please please PLEASEEEE vote ! Also leave a comment they really help me to see if you guys like how the story is going. Love you guys lots !

Happy reading <3

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