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My eyes flutter open when I hear birds chirping. Mikey and I are still in the clearing in the woods but it's about 6 in the morning now. I roll over to see Mikey sound asleep. His hair is a mess and his mouth is open slightly. I can hear him snoring a little like he usually does. His arms are still loosely placed around my waist while the blanket is over the both of us. I push back a few hairs from his face before letting my hands tangle themselves in his hair. He stirs a little before opening his eyes and smiling.

"Hi beautiful." He says pulling me into his chest.

"Hi." I giggle. He kisses the top of my head before letting me go and sitting up.

"I can't believe we slept out here last night." He says grabbing his phone and handing me mine.

"Yeah it was nice though." I say turning my phone on. I have 5 text messages from my dad. I'm so fucked.

Daddy<3-- Hey Reagan it's getting late I'm okay if you spend the night at Mikey's I just need to know

Daddy<3-- Reagan it's late please call me and tell me what the plan is.

Daddy<3-- Reagan Darnell answer my calls

Daddy<3-- Reagan come home now we need to talk.

Daddy<3--- Where are you. I'm coming to get you.

I'm so fucked. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

"Mikey we have to go ,I have to be home now, like now." I get up and walk to the car. Mikey doesn't say anything he just grabs his keys and gets in the car and starts to drive me home.

"So I'm guessing you forgot to call your dad last night huh ?" He asks as he drives. I nod and place my head in my hands.

"I'm so fucked.." I sigh and try to prepare myself for the terrible lecture that is about to come.

"Your not fucked. It'll be okay I promise." He says taking my hand and rubbing his thumb along the side of my hand. I smile slightly and try to relax.

-------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ---

Mikey pulls up to my house and my heart starts pound like crazy. I turn towards his and run my hand up and down his arm.

"Thank you for everything. It was beyond perfect. I'll call you later okay ?"

"Okay by I lov-fuck I mean-" I stop him with a kiss. A strong passionate kiss that takes him completely by surprise.

"I love you too." I whisper once I pull away. After that I get out and walk up the steps and push the front door open my heart racing 1,000 times a second.

"Reagan, how nice of you to finally come home." My dads voice echoes from the kitchen. My heart drops and I walk slowly into the kitchen.

"Daddy I'm sorry I just-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it. Last time was a warning this time is it. Phone please." I sigh and hand him my phone.

"Are you even going to let me explain myself !" I holler as he walks out of the kitchen. When he doesn't respond I sigh and walk up to my room. I already knew the deal, grounded for 3 days and no phone. Once in my room I shut the door and change into some comfy clothes. I throw my hair up into a pony tail before I head back down stairs. I run into Michael on the way down stairs.

"So did you get the usual?" I nod and he sighs.

"That sucks. Anyways where did Mikey end up taking you?" I smile and tell him what happened, well leaving out the kissing parts and stuff.

"Wow. That sounds great. I really need to step it up." I laugh and he smiles.

"Don't worry though I'll "have some friends over" this week so that you and Mikey can hang out."

"Your the best." I say hugging him.

"I know." I laugh before heading into the kitchen. My dad is sitting at the counter doing some work on his computer.

"Reagan are you hungry." He says glancing up from his computer. I don't say anything I just get some water.

"I know your mad at me Reagan but it's very rude to ignore people." He says as I start to leave. I clench my teeth and breath for moment.

"Why should I give you the time of day if you won't even let my explain myself. Your my dad your supposed to be fair and this is no where near fair." I snap. I can't believe him!

"I don't need to hear what happened Reagan because I already know !" He yells. I'm confused at first but then I understand.

"You- you think I had sex with him?" I say looking my dad dead in the eyes. I feel so hurt. My dad, the one I trust most, thinks I just gave my virginity to Mikey. At 16 almost 17.

"Yes Reagan I think you did." He says sternly.

"Well your damn wrong. I though you knew me better than this. But no you think I'd just give myself away like that. I though you trusted me dad ! But I guess not." I say hurt ridden in every word. I grab my water and head up stairs. Once up stairs I grab a bag and throw clothes in it. I put my running shoes on and sling my bag over my shoulder before heading down stairs.

"Where they hell are you going Reagan !" My dad yells once I'm down stairs.

"Anywhere but here! I thought you trusted me, but clearly you don't. I need some time to think away from this house so I'm going." With that said I pull the front door open and take off running. I don't take a second look when I hear my dad calling after me, I just run.

---------- -------- ------- ------- -------

After an hour or two of running I show up at Bianca's house. I knock on the door and Bianca answers.

"Hey girly." She says smiling.

"Hi...can I stay here for a day or two."

------- ---------A.N-------- --------

Hey guys ! I'm back with another chapter! Yay! This one had some drama in it for ya. But anyways I hope you liked this chapter. You guys know the drill; leave a vote and a comment for more! Love you guys soooooo much<3

Happy reading

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