Chapter 18

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(Shout Out To My Ex By Little Mix)

Emerald's Pov

Luke has not left my side all day. The dark circles under his eyes started to appear an hour ago. Lauren and Victoria were practicing, June was making phone calls all day, Josie had work, Aryia was out with Aunt Mel. I told Luke I was fine, but every time I move a muscle he panics.

"When are you guys headed home?" He asked, looking up from his laptop and towards me. Teddy was currently laying on my stomach.

"Monday morning." I responded. It was currently Friday. Two more days till i was back in college taking my finals, graduating, and competing in the second biggest figure skating competition. I scrolled through my camera roll, deleting pictures of Robbie, Victoria, and i. I opened his contact before blocking it. The anger was building up, as Victoria walked into my house.

"Hey guys!" Victoria spoke happily standing by the edge of the couch by Luke. I looked up from my phone, Luke was still deep in thought on his laptop.

"Hello. How was skating?" I asked her, the anger evident in my voice which caused Luke to pick his head up and look at me.

"It was-"

"Also how was fucking my ex?" Luke's mouth dropped open, and Victoria's eyes widened. She put her bag down on the floor and started walking over to me in a panic.

"Emerald- It meant nothing!" She waved her hands around as she walked over to me.

"Has everything meant nothing to you?" I swung my legs off of the couch. Teddy sat my Luke, as I stood up in front of Victoria. Luke's mouth still hung open, as he closed his laptop.

"My grades, my coach that you begged for, my friends, my English essays for crying out loud, my looks, and now we're adding my ex to that list!" I clapped and she looked at me with a confused look.

"I'm so sick and tired of you trying to make everything a competition!"

I miss you Vic.

"Even when we came here. My brother? My cousin? My boyfriend?!" I bit my tongue at the slip up and shook my head. Victoria looked around the room, before grabbing her bag and rushing upstairs.

"Boyfriend huh?" I turned around and faced Luke who was sitting there with a smile on his face.

"Don't." I held my finger up and shook my head with a smile. I walked down the hallway and knocked on my brother's bedroom door. God, I regret skating that long.

"Where's your muscle relief patches?" I walked into his room after he opened the door.

"Did you just tell off Victoria?" I shook my head as I walked around his room looking at the tops of his dressers.

"Top left corner." I grabbed the box and turned around to face him.
"She deserved it." He laughed and his dimples popped out. I hated them because I didn't have them.

"How is she gonna have sex with my ex, and then tell me it meant nothing?" I rolled my eyes, slapping my hands down on my thighs.

"Listen, if i thought with my dick, i would fuck her too. But I don't, therefore I don't want to." I opened the box before looking at him in disgust.

"Never say that shit to me ever again." Once I put the patches on the back of my legs I put the box back on his dresser.

The picture sitting up there caught my eye. I was in between Luke and June, Josie was sitting on my lap. We all were laughing except Luke who just had a smile on his face as he stared at me.

"I don't like her, I don't know how you put up with her." I laughed before walking out of his room and back down the hallway. I reached the living room and Luke had his arm holding up his head as he slept.

I smiled before getting him to lay down flat. Once he laid down I grabbed my blanket and covered him with it.

I'm so in love with him.

I was in the kitchen for not even ten minutes when his phone started to ring.


I declined before it started to ring again.


717 Words 

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