Chapter 2| Open Book

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The brunette carefully traced the outline of his facial features with her 6B pencil as if it was the first time for her to draw him even though her hand was well accustomed to sketch him by then.

Jaemin talked nonchalantly about a topic he had zero interest in. Even so, he found everyone in the class paying attention to him. His forehead creased when he noticed Sara practically gawking at him.

Even with her eyes being slanted due to her droopy eyelids, it was clear that she had been observing his face before going back to doodling something on a notebook.

He assumed that she must be noting important key points about the topic. People give a shit about what I'm saying? He thought as he saw some people even nodding to him.

But he soon eased when he saw the only guy who was not looking at him was the guy beside Sara, Donghyuck who was still sleeping. The brunette froze when their eyes met for a brief second.

She could not have guessed that Jaemin had noticed her staring at him as he was presenting a topic, he was bound to make eye contact with the students.

The male went back to his seat after finishing the presentation. Sara closed her sketchbook and put it aside. She would finish it later in her apartment.

"Ryu Sara." She looked behind her to see who was calling her. It was Lee Jeno, one of the biggest party throwers of their batch in the university. She internally sulked at the sight of him.

"We will drink after classes. From 7 in the evening to 12 at night. Wanna come?" He peered, being hopeful that she would agree to it.

Sara pursed her lips, pretending to contemplate when she had already known the answer. "I'm sorry but I have to work on this thesis tonight. Can't come but he might," she said apologetically, pointing at Donghyuck with her thumb.

After the classes, she had returned straight to her apartment. She always used to avoid these gatherings. Not being able to mingle was not the problem. She just particularly did not prefer much noises even though she was well aware that she could encounter Jaemin there.

Jaemin was in a quite opposite state of Sara in the university. They were in their freshman year but the male had already gained much popularity due to him being unbearably attractive and his photography skills.

But encountering Jaemin was never her target. She preferred appreciating from far to confess to him like a bunch of other girls that she was attracted to him.

Sara changed into a tank top and a pair of shorts before starting to finish the sketch, she was working on that morning. After a while, she was distracted by a doorbell intervening her ears.

Reluctantly, the brunette stood up and opened the door, revealing Donghyuck who was already half drunk and holding two bottles of alcohol in his hands.

"I brought beer," he spoke with a mischievous smile and an incomprehensible glint in his eyes. "Nobody asked for it," Sara replied, narrowing her eyes.

"Come on, Ryu Sara, don't lie when your eyes are an open book. You look like you can pound on me any second to drink right now." He made his way inside the apartment, walking past the female.

"I will order chicke—" She stopped in the middle of the sentence, catching Donghyuck staring at her bare legs. "Chin up, dude," Sara said to break him out of his trance.

Donghyuck looked at her. "Yeah and you were saying?" The female shook her head in disapproval. "Just select some movie and I will order chicken in the meantime."

Sara grabbed a few packets of snacks and went to her room to find Donghyuck settling himself in her bed with a laptop in front of him. She sat beside him, maintaining a space between them, keeping the snacks on the bed.

But Donghyuck held her side a little above her waist and pulled her closer to him, causing her angled leg at the knee to rest on his thighs.

His fingers grazed on the side of her exposed stomach, sending butterflies down it. Sara quirked one eyebrow at him as in to questioning him why. "The screen is small."

"Then let's watch it on TV."

"Your TV is in the living room. I am more comfortable here." Saying that, he moved his hand away from her. Sara frowned, feeling deprived of his warmth.

"Why aren't you at the bar?" Sara asked, getting a snack out for herself. But Donghyuck ate it from her hand, not letting her even taste it. "That was mine," Sara complained.

"Do you want it back?"

"Eww, that's gross, Hyuck." Her face scrunched up which he found adorable. "Just answer what I asked. Why aren't you with Jeno and others?"

Just then, Donghyuck's phone buzzed. He picked up the call and listened to the person talking on the other side. "Okay," was his only response.

"I need to go now."


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I want to write about them all day long. Honestly they are so cute. I also can't wait for Jaemin and Sara's interaction. Who do you ship with Sara rn? Donghyuck or Jaemin?

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