Chapter 27| Demand

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Sara woke up after a while, being hungry and tired. She put on a oversized hoodie and went out of her apartment. Buying a few packs of instant noodles, she was walking back.

Suddenly she could feel that she was not the only person in this narrow, dark alley. She could clearly hear footsteps but dared not to look behind.

After a few seconds footsteps were no longer heard. She wanted to look behind but at that time something bumped onto her from her front.

The person was no longer walking behind her but he was standing in front of her.

Sara backed up a few steps. "Get away from me!" She shouted and was about to run away but the guy trapped her between him and a wall.

The female closed her eyes shut, refusing to accept it as her reality. Just then the man collapsed in front of her.

Sara opened her eyes to find Donghyuck who had just kicked his back, causing him to lie straight on the ground.

Donghyuck cupped her face. "Are you okay?" He asked, showing visible concern in his eyes even though it was dark. The female welled up, nodding before embracing him.

She was crying loudly at that moment. Donghyuck caressed her back to calm her down. "I am here now. Everything is fine, I promise."

Sara's eyes shot opened as she heard a sharp sound from his arm. The guy had stood up again and this time he had created a slit on Donghyuck's arm with a knife.

The brunette loudly gasped at the sight of his arm being slitted. Donghyuck turned around and punched the guy before tackling him down. He continuously landed punches on his face before he was completely taken down.

The male called the police and then he took the both of them to the hospital.

"I am fine," you raised your voice at the nurses. "His arm is bleeding for the sake of goodness!" After both of them got treated, they had been also served warm soup and meal.

Donghyuck brought Sara to her apartment. "Come inside," she demanded, to which the male forfeited.

They kept sitting beside each other in silence for a while. None of them dared to break the silence that seemed so pious. Sara was still sniffling without making any significant noise but did not go unnoticed by Donghyuck.

He felt guilty for making her cry like that. He knew that she was still scared imagining what could have happened if Donghyuck had not appeared at the right time. But more than that she was crying considering herself guilty for Donghyuck getting stabbed in his arm.

"It's not a deep cut, Sara," Donghyuck finally spoke up, "The doctor also said that I will be able to return to doing normal activities after a few days. It's just a small injury." Sara started wailing, "It's all because of me."

Donghyuck touched her face, forcing her to look at him. "Stop blaming yourself. You are the victim here. That bastard will pay for the crime he was about to commit—I will make him."


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Guys! I can reassure you that you can't even guess what's going to happen in the next chapter!!!

CHARCOAL || Lee Haechan | Na Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now