Chapter 17| Wonder

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Sara lit up a cigarette and placed it between her lips before taking in a puff. Then she started coughing all of a sudden. Jaemin was gone again to bring his car.

The female had thought about smoking in the meantime. It had been a while since she had last smoked. Jaemin returned with his car, signalling Sara to get in.

She pulled open the door and sat beside Jaemin in the passenger seat. The two maintained a piercing silence during the whole ride. Both of them had a lot in their minds.

Jaemin was brought out of his trance when he heard a very faint sound of Sara sniffling. His eyes widened as he stopped the car in front of her apartment.

"W—what happened?" Jaemin asked her. She was in the verge of bawling at that point but she pressed her palm to her face and kept biting down her bottom lip to prevent anymore tears.

But just like some rebel teenager they would not pay heed to her, rolling out of her eyes in small droplets. "Sara, you are scaring me. Will you please tell me what happened? Is it because of something I did?"

The female had mixed emotions—Guilt because of ruining the date with Jaemin. On the other hand, she was overwhelmed by the moments with Donghyuck and missing him badly.

She was also feeling guilty because of accusing Donghyuck of something he had not done and not even apologizing because of it. She assumed that it was the reason for him to stop talking to her.

"Fuck Sara, will you please speak up?"

"Can you not go?" She finally said, still crying like an infant. "Huh?" Jaemin was genuinely worried about her. His intention was not to upset her.

"Can you please stay with me tonight? Don't leave me, please. I can't call asleep alone." Sara was crying the whole time causing her voice to come out as mere mumbling.

Nonetheless Jaemin heard it. He gently caressed her hair, before tucking a few strands behind her ear. He brushed the back of his hand against her cheek. Sara immediately leaned onto his touch, taking in his warmth.

"Of course, silly. Come here," Jaemin reassured her, pulling her into a hug. The female cried in his embrace, hugging him back, encircling him with her arms.

Jaemin softly patted her head to calm her down. She was still breathing heavily. He knew very well that it was not the reason behind her tears. She definitely had other reason which she did not prefer to tell Jaemin.

But the male decided not to pry since it was completely her own decision to tell him whatever she wanted. He could not force her anyway.

I wonder who made you cry like this, Sara.


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