chapter six : time?

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"My music!"

However, the next moment, I wasn't so concerned with the face that my desired room was getting father away. In fact, I'd say I was getting much more irritated with the fact that I was basically drowning in a pool full of arms, legs, and other body parts. Why the hell was I shorter than everyone else?! I'm a bloody American for god's sake!

Patience rolling to its end, I was about to explode with absolute fury, before I suddenly felt a pair of strong around grab and pick me up by my armpits. Anger changed to surprise as I was pulled out of the sea of human and onto safe ground. Eyes wide, I looked up at my savior.

The guy was a pretty tall person with jet black hair. There wasn't anything else to him . . . physically. He was giving off this weird aura; that's what made people throw a second glance back at him. Without that aura, people would just look over him and maybe think he's a bit too tall.

Then, I realized that he was still holding me up and he was also staring at me in return. Slightly embarrassed by this, I cleared my throat, awkwardly. It luckily caught his attention and, without a single hint of emotion, he silently set me back down on my feet and carefully patted my head. I gave a little pout at the pat, since I abhor when people do that to me, but I quietly bit my tongue. He did save me after all.

A moment later, a blonde little kid bounced towards us, a stuffed pink bunny in his left hand. I raised an eyebrow. If it was even possible, there seemed to be little flowers of 'moe' surrounding the little guy. A forwn nearly made it to my face, but I quickly stuffed it away. He looked like he belonged in elementary school. I looked back at the guy who had saved me. What an odd group of characters.

"Takashi, what are you doing?"

Takashi? That sounded familiar.

I gave a closer look at the guys' face and realized that he did look familiar. If I did my research right, this guy here would be Takashi Morinozuka. The Mori's were a butler family and served another family by the name of Haninozuka until awhile ago, when the two families were brought together in marriage. Which brought me back to the blonde little kid. The only reason why these guys could be so close would be that the little one was of the Haninozuka. Shit. I hadn't been able to stay up that late to continue my research so I had stopped there.

"Takashi, who is this?"

Snapping back to reality, I thought it'd be polite to actually introduce myself. Be nice to the person who was nice to you of curse. I did have morales, so shut up.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ava Kim."

All I received in return was a blank stare from the Haninozuka and silence from Morinozuka. It slowly dawned on me that I had spoken English. Oops.

I swore quietly in French, before speaking back up in Japanese. "Sorry about that. I'm still not used to immediately speaking in Japanese." I scratched the back of my head, slightly even more embrassed than I had been before.

The Haninozuka wiped the blank look on his face and replaced it with a very cute smile. "It's okay! I'm Hunny!"

Hunny? I looked back to Morinozuka to confirm his answer.

He slowly nodded before saying,"Mitsunki, you should be telling her your real name."

I had to control myself when I heard his voice. It was so freaking deep. And I'm sucker for guys with matured voices. I don't really understand why, but you can just feel the vibrations from it and it's just great . . . no it's not weird!

All of the sudden, my phone vibrated, managing to scare a little shriek out of me. Frowning, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. My face paled. I had totally forgotten to call my boss after school. I grimaced. Well, it wasn't like I had a choice. 

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