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TONGUE TIED           10━━   the girl at fault

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━━ the girl at fault

The girl who once beamed with happiness and stood like a sunflower sunbathing in a field of flowers had been stepped on. The sunflower could barely hold herself after the terrible storm poured down on her, drowning her in the endless rabbit hole of her jumbled-up emotions. How tragic for Amelia Bloom.

She would've never believed for a storm to reach her the way it did. And so the sunflower was left to ponder, what now? What was she supposed to do after anger rained on her? Was blood next?

It baffled her how he was so wreckless with her. She wished she could strip the father name from him because he was far from being one. But how could she? Father meant a lot. Father could easily be forgiven because he's father. The chokehold he held on her could be justified because he was father.

Perhaps he was a monster, but he was father.

Oh, father, father. How could you rain on your sunflower like that?

Although the sunflower looked for ways to forgive him, none could be found.

He was monster. Not father.

Amelia's thoughts trailed back to her mother. Had she known the monstrosity of a man she had married? Everything brought her back to mother. She couldn't help herself and think about her. Had mother known about father? Had he always been like this? She was likely blinded by his white lies as well.

She cried. Every second she spent thinking about mother, a tear would trail down her puffed cheeks and leave a stain. Because a once stomped flower couldn't go back to being a beautiful one again.

She wished for mother's arms. She wished for the comfort of a home out of father's possessions. But her wishes were hoped for in vain, as the only thing she could do was stare at the blank wall in front of her.

"So..." Robin trailed off. "He's your father, and you didn't know about any of this?" She questioned softly upon noticing her endless weeping.

She sighed. She wished for it to be a lie. "Yeah." She replied. Her eyes fixated on the floor as they teared up once again. "I'm sorry, Robin. I had no idea he was behind this, and I don't know what's out there, and— "

"Hey, it's not your fault."

"It is, though," Guilt washed over her. "If I weren't so nosy, I wouldn't have helped you in the first place. I led you into my fath— into this secret facility, and here we are, being held captive by him." She told, her lips trembling as she sniffled.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now