Minato Arisatox Reader (part 1)

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" Hey Minato!"
" Hmm?" The blue haired boy looked up at you; headphones blaring as usual.
" Wanna go to Tartarus tonight?" You asked him smiling,wishing you should see his.
"I don't see why not. I just got back from meeting Kenjii." He slipped his headphones to his neck and stretched. I'll tell Fuka." He waved and walked off.
Everyone else had taken a small
" Break" from Tartarus...
Meaning they went out of town and Stupei crashed the car so they were stuck 258 miles away. Fukka thankfully had refused the offer.
( Time skip brought to you by Junpeis " believe it or don't")
" Careful! There's two shadows on this floor!" Fukka came through the transmitter.
" You take one, I'll take the other." Minato raised his Bastard Sword.
"G- got it." You said raising ( weapon of choice that you can obtain at that point in the game)
"JACK FROST!" You heard Minato yell from some where in the next room.
You lookedat your own guardian and gulped a little, it was huge.
"Fukka." You shook.
" What is it y/n?"
" Analysis please."
" Alright just give me some time..."
" ( enter your favorite and ONLY persona here because your not a wild card)!" You shot the gun at your head sideways and your persona used it's " bash" skill.
( Minatos pov)
I moved my hair back as the shadow withered and died.
" Careful Minato!" I heard Fukka say over the Com.
" What is it?"
"Y/n is badly injured!"
I heard this and ran as fast as I could to the other room.
I hope I'm not too late...
( Your pov.)
" Why.... me...." you panted wiping your forehead with the back of your hand.
"Minato is on his way!"
Your guardian used its agi skill, witch made you fall unconscious as you felt the hard marble floor of tartarus.
Your vision began to blur as you saw someone running toward you.
Someone with blue hair.

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