Akihiko Sanada x Taller reader

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"Hey Aki-Senpai!" You said happily, you had just come from swim practice as you saw the boxing Champion sneaking round the corner.
"Oh hey Y/n." He said looking round the corner nervously.
"Running from fangirls again?" You chuckling.
You yourself did like him, but you weren't a crazed fangirl.
"Yeah I am... but Maybe I should just hide behind you." he chuckled, referring to how much taller you were than him, as a girl screamed in the distance."you should go if they see you with me they'll rip you to-"
"WHO'S AKI WITH?!" Like, ten girls screamed and ran at you with  angry faces.
Shit I'm so fucking dead.
You braced yourself for the beat down of words you were about to take but then a deep voice interrupted.
"STOP!" Akihiko was now in front of you, boxong position.
"If you lay one finger on Y/n that gives me the right to break
All ten
Of yours!"
He said defensively as the girls left scowling at you, you yourself were suprised and red faced. You could feel it on your face.
Aki sighed and turned around, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to freak out..." he chuckled and his face was pink. "But...I...um..." he said biting his lip and walking a little closer to you.
"I'm not good with words so I..." he looked at your still dumbfounded face and rolledhis eyes impatiently "Oh FUCK it already." He said grabbing your shoulders and pulling you down to his hieght, kissing you and wrapping a strong, muscled arm around your neck.
"I love you Y/n."
"I-I love you too Aki... you shortie."
"Oh shut up or I'll make you carry me."

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