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are you
"thinking of monsoon??"

did you notice the
tiny droplets of rain
on the grassland ?

did you notice??
the fragrance of rich soil?
the gorgeous red roses?
the rhythm of falling rain?

did you notice??the fragrance of rich soil?the gorgeous red roses?the rhythm of falling rain?

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is it always painful like
who hides the tear
behind the heavy rain?

is it always bitter like
who reminds you of someone
who abandoned you?

maybe yes ,
you might have been thinking

but is it the truth?
think again

cause sometimes
It might be like that

you have searched along
during the process

like that one lyric hits you
deep down & lifts you high enough

a romantic feeling watching
a couples dancing & holding
hands together

which releases all
your stress and exhaustion
far away just in a minutes

a little child smiles
while floating his handmade
boats in the rain shower

"THE COLD BREEZE"painful remembrances in your worldstill sets you free to let go of the thingsbehind you and helps you

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painful remembrances in your world
still sets you free
to let go of the things
behind you and helps you

"To HEAL" yourself

cause you matter
and fill the happiness
into your precious life by
"thinking of monsoon"

Take Time To Smell The RosesWhere stories live. Discover now