Ch.61 Blood and Sanas Bandaid

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We moved to the security room to see what was going on.

"Whats the matter?" I said moving into the room as I saw Joon behind a monitor. "Take a look" He said as I peered over to what was the security cameras as they showed a mulitple masked men surrounding the perimeter of the building as it showed some security guards on the floor lying down and appears to be knocked out

I quickly turned to everyone

"Sweep inside the whole building just in case and get the police and search outside" I ordered as everyone started running to every exit

I got up and made my way to one of this stadiums possible blind spot as it was near the exits.

After a bit I reached the exit near the other side of the stadium. I cautiously pressed against the door handle as it slowly opened

The sounds of the concert slightly deafend as I walked out to check for anyone.

"Seems fine to me" I told myself as I turned around to walk back. As I turned I felt a sharp pain into my arm

I look back in pain to see a hooded figure who stabbed me at point blank as it looked like they tried to aim for my back

I quickly grab his arm to disarm him. By kicking his leg, he lost balance and fell and I pinned him to the floor as he tried slashing me with him only being able to graze my cheek.

I then got the knife out of his hand as it moved to the side and I put him in a hold.

"Who are you?! Who do you work for!?" I yelled at him as his face was now in the ground

"Ain't saying anything!" He muffled back as she struggled

I put more force into his neck.

"I don't have time for this. You better tal-"

I was interrupted by incoming footsteps as security came over by the commotion

I let go of the man as the guard took him to turn him in as police were on there way.

"We don't know who these people are and we don't know what they want..." I said to my self  as I then felt a sharp pain in my arm

I rolled up my sleeve to see a mediocre cut into my arm as the knife the man used wasn't super sharp.

But it was enough for blood to ooze out my arm and fall out to the floor.

I quickly put some pressure on it and waited for help.

30 minutes later

The cops came and asked me questions as I got treated and they advised to make sure security is doubled and they would stay until the concerts finished.

The medics told me that I should be fine and it should heal overtime so they didn't keep me

Joon and Gye were outside as well talking they finished talking with police. After they finished I approached them

"Hey you guys alright?" I asked

They both looked at me in concern

"Dude did you get hit in the head too? Your the one who got stabbed" Gye blurted out as Joon nodded

"Well I was just checking but you're right. Ill be fine though." I said

"Well security has been increased yet again and the girls are kinda curious where half of the staff went since they came back for outfit change."

Joon informed as we started walking back inside

"Well were going have to explain what happened so after the concert" Gye said as I agreed

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