The mystery girl

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Hey guys......ENJOY... ;p

This chapter starts with chirag's POV


Chirag's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Rubbing my eyes I sat up. I hated Mondays .but today felt good. I looked to the side and saw a picture. It was a picture of my long lost friend, disha and me.

I missed her a lot. We used to hang out everyday but everything got ruined. It was all my fault if I had just talked to her she would still be here. Stupid love, stupid misunderstandings!!

But my life was going pretty good. I have a girlfriend whose name is ashwathi whom I love a lot.

I heard my mom calling me .so I got out of bed and went to take a shower . I pulled on some jeans ,a black shirt and some shoes. I didn't even bother doing by thing for my hair since all the girls liked and called it 'sex hair.'

I grabbed my bag and walked out with my car keys in my hand .

I had some breakfast and then walked out after saying bye to my mum and dad. I got into my car. I had a black BMW convertible. I then picked up my girlfriend and we headed off to school .

I Don't know why but I had a very weird feeling as if something was happening and I didn't know about it.

We entered the school compound and saw a new car in the parking lot. It was a Mercedes convertible. It was obviously someone who I didn't knows car. Then I saw a girl get out if the car. She was pretty thin and was wearing blue shorts and a black top.she didn't stop anywhere but walked right through the doors .

"Who the hell is that" ashwathi said.

I parked and got out of my car and went to meet my best buddies vineet and Siddharth . We were talking and then someone prodded me. I turned around and saw that it was Arya . She gave me my schedule that I had got changed . I thanked her and she waved and went back to whoever she had been talking to.

I turned around and saw that this was the sane girl that I had seen. Before I could follow her ashwathi came and smiled.

She put her arms around me beck and kissed me. I kissed her back, not hearing the bell ring and then when things were heating up she pulled away and walked away. I just stood there and then I had class so I walked to class.

I opened the door and I saw my teacher and she smiled. She loves me so I can do whatever I want in class and she doesn't mind it. And then I looked towards the class and I saw a pair of brownish black eyes staring at me. Before I could see her face she turned away and the teacher asked me to enter class and I did.

I looked around and saw that everyone was siting in groups for their project . " you can go sit there." She pointed towards the empty seat next to THE girl. I saw her and she stiffened she then looked up at the teacher and asked her if she could get someone else as a partner.

I frowned. I had never been turned down by a girl and I didn't even know her. The teacher asked if anyone would like to take my place and Sid raised his hand .

Sid walked over and sat next to her and I went and joined Arya .

I asked Arya who she was but she kept avoiding the subject .

I felt so frustrated. But I didn't know why?

"Why are u so restless today??" Arya asked. I shrugged and then looked at the girl again but this time I caught her staring at me but she was too fast in turning away and I didn't see her face now also.

I then saw Sid leaning towards her and whispering something in her ear and then he put his arm around her shoulder .

Suddenly I felt something wash over me and I stood up and excused myself and walked out.

Why was this girl making me feel this way?? And what did this feeling mean?

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