twenty nine.

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   I stand in front of Shoupe's desk between JJ and Pope, wearing Pope's oversized shorts and JJ's long sleeve shirt, as Shoupe looks at us in disbelief.

   "So you're telling me this is the firearm Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?"

   "That's exactly what we're telling you, Shoupe."

   "And the exact same firearm that Ward used to kill Gavin," Pope adds.

   "And where's that corpse again?"

   "Didn't you look?"

   "I checked the hospital, I went by his house; he was out."

   "He was out?!"

   "No shit Shoupe cause he's dead!"

   "Just listen to yourself, makes perfect sense!"

   "Just because he's not in his damn home does not mean he was a victim of homicide."

   "What're you talking about?!"

   I scoff, "you've gotta be kidding me."

   "Are you at least gonna send it in for ballistics and shit, or you just gonna sit on your ass?!"

   "No he's gonna sit there and wax that damn mustache! Is that even real?"

   Shoupe stands, yanking open his office door.

   "Shut up JJ!"

   "I'm sorry did I hurt his feelings?"

   "Shut up!"

   Shoupe stares at us, "get out, I got work to do and y'all are smelling up my damn office."

   I hang my head, "I can't believe this shit."

   Why can't we ever get a win?

   Just one?

   My friends file out of the office, each dropping their own unique and disrespectful comment on their way out.

   Shoupe's eyes fall on me, "go with your friends."

   I shake my head, "you know I was on the tarmac that day and even if I wasn't we brought you the murder weapon. Do what Sheriff Pete would've done."

   Shoupe's face hardens, "get out."

* * *

   I sigh as warm water washes over my body.

   I can hear JJ going through my stuff on the other side of the curtain, the boy no doubt looking for something to break or fiddle with.

   "You okay, J?"

   He stops his fiddling, "I just- you almost died witnessing the sheriff's murder, then- you almost died getting the murder weapon! It's not fair! Nothing ever is."

   I nod, grabbing my towel from behind the curtain, "I know, but what matters..." I pull open the curtain, stepping out of the tub, "John B and Sarah are alive dude."

   JJ looks me up and down, "yeah..."

   I hold open my arms for him, and he walks into them, his hands going around my waist. I rest my head on his shoulder, "the surf trip," I remind him.

   I pull away, playing with the hair at the nape of the blonde's neck, "worse comes to worse, we pack up, move out to the Bahamas and live there."

   JJ grins, "I still say Xcalak."

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