Part. 2 Homelessness and grief

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[Another sort of sad depressing chapter. BUT I SWEAR THINGS WILL LIGHT UP AS IT KEEPS GOING.]

A couple of days had past. Ruv found it hard to leave the alleyway. He sat against the dumpster and sulked. He only had crying spells at night where he continuously blamed himself for Sarv's demise. Whitty brought him food and water and took care of him as best as a good friend could.

But other than Ruv's hanging cloud of depression, Whitty realized they faced a new issue. They had nowhere to go. There was no way they'd be staying in that alleyway for the rest of their lives. No protection from weather or untrustworthy individuals. Whitty couldn't live with Carol and Hex anymore ever since they were forced to move away for family reasons. Leaving the poor bomb behind like an abandoned dog.

But that was behind him now. He had a new responsibility. His long time friend needed him. They needed each other, really. Even though they had never hung out before this, they still had remained acquaintances through their similarities. Now though....their relationship had to advance slightly past "acquaintances".

Whitty leaned against the wall next to Ruv. He thought of a place they could stay. But nothing really came to his mind except for an abandoned house he had seen in the treeline on the outskirts of town. He looked up at the sky. He had been eyeing these big dark clouds all day. He knew he had to convince Ruv into getting up.

Whitty - Hey, Ruv. Bro. I think I know a place we can stay.

Ruv continued to bury his face in his hands. He quietly responded. His thick Russian accent shaked and cracked slightly as he spoke.

Ruv - I deserve to stay here amongst the mold and rats.

Whitty - No, listen. Stop attacking yourself. We actually have to get out of here before it rains. Do you want to get soaked and struck by lightning?

Ruv - Let the gods smite me for my sins.

Whitty groaned in annoyance.


Ruv shot a look up at him. A look of offence.

Ruv - ........

Whitty - Alright.....LISTEN.
Sorry I have to say this..... know DAMN WELL she wouldn't have wanted you to give up. I only met her a few times and in my eyes, she was a strong woman that always had faith in you. She took you into her church in the first place because she loved you. She wanted to help you survive.
WELL, DAMNIT. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DO. Your the only remaining friend I got, Ruvyzvat. I want you to be the strong, gruff man I know you are. Do you understand?

Ruv stared at him with a blank expression for a second before falling over to his side. Hugging himself and sniffling.

The slight sound of thunder was heard in the distance. Whitty sighed and picked him up. Draping him over his shoulder. Ruv didn't protest. Whitty knew what Ruv was going through. He knew how hard it was to let go. So he decided to bring up Sarv less. He decided to let Ruv get his feelings out. He shoved his free hand in his hoodie pocket as he walked down the street. Ruv continuing to be an emotional mess.

Leter, they had made progress in getting to the outskirts of the town. Walking down an overgrown sidewalk, Whitty's arm begin to get tired. He felt his stomach rumble so he sat Ruv down in the overgrown grass and took a break. Pulling a leftover hot dog out his pocket, he pulled out a second one. Offering it to Ruv who took it sheepishly.

Whitty sat in silence as he ate. When he finished, he decided to make small talk.

Whitty - How you feeling, bud?

Ruv didn't respond. Whitty looked over and did a quick double take as he realized Ruv didn't unwrap the hot dog before eating it. It was like his brain was turned off.

Whitty - Aw, man...your going to be like THIS now? Are you soon going to forget how to BREATHE?

Ruv still didn't respond. His eye wide and unblinking as he stared forward at nothing in particular. The tin foil crinkling and squeaking in his mouth.

Whitty - How did she ever deal with you.....

After he regained his strength, he stood up. Effortlessly lifting Ruv up and holding him with the other arm this time.

Whitty mumbled quietly to himself.

Whitty - I sure hope nobody around sees this......

The clouds neared. The closer they came, the darker they appeared. The wind picked up.

Whitty - Damnit.....

He quickened his pace.

Ruv - Why are we rushing?....... I like this weather. It's intertwined with my soul.......

Whitty - Shut it, you emo.

They were halfway close to the treeline when it started to drizzle. Whitty began to panic as he couldn't quite remember where the house was....or if was even there anymore.

He sprinted now. The rain and wind coming down with more and more force as the seconds ticked by. Whitty scanned the treeline desperately. Eventually eyeing the large abandoned house.

Whitty - WE MADE IT!!!!

Running into the trees, he stopped at the front porch where he sat Ruv down.

Whitty - Ah. I can't wait to check this place out! Let's- oh.....

Because of how rough Whitty was while running with him on his shoulder......Ruv was bent over barfing into the grass.

Whitty - Sorry.....

Whitty looked back up at the house. It was absolutely TRASHED on the outside. The siding and shutters falling off. The gutters full. Vines and moss creeping up the sides. Surprisingly, though.....all of the windows were intact.

He looked back over at Ruv who was now standing up. Leaning against the rickety dry rotted stair post clutching his stomach.

Whitty - You ok?....

Ruv replied groggily.

Ruv - Can we just go inside?.....

Whitty nodded and helped him up the stairs. Just in time as the storm hit hard. Inside, the place was half furnished. In surprisingly good condition too, despite the dust. No water damage or much natural decay. Decorated in almost an 80's/rustic aesthetic. The heavy rain and wind pelted aggressively against the old creaky house. As Whitty secured the front door and pulled the curtains shut, he turned to find Ruv flopped down and sprawled out on the couch. Completely knocked out.

Whitty spoke quietly to Ruv and to himself. Saying his thoughts out loud.

Whitty - I'm so sorry, old friend. So much is happening to you and I'm sorry. You deserve the rest.

Whitty sighed as he watched Ruv's slow shallow breathing. This was the first time in the past few days where Ruv wasn't stressed or mourning. Then again....he had no idea what he dreamt of.

Whitty walked over to the back of the couch and just leaned against it. Staring down at his purple friend.
He knew he shouldn't stare...but he just felt such sorrow for the tiny man. Whitty had never thought he'd meet someone worse off than himself.

It also wasn't just that....he....felt something as he stared at Ruv....... Even back when they were just casual acquaintances exchanging small talk as they passed by on the street, Whitty always felt something strange whenever he was around the Russian. An emotion.....a feeling that he'd never felt before.

A feeling that he didn't understand.

July - 29 - 2023

Ice Cream Issues - An FNF WhitRuv ficWhere stories live. Discover now