Part. 3 A new beginning

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[I should mention that the power and plumbing in the house work just fine.]

Ruv had slept for days on end. His constant crying and jabs of anguish absolutely tore him up. He would of course get up every once in a while to eat and use the bathroom. But he mostly just wanted to rest. He didn't even feel sad anymore, persay.....just empty. Like there was a missing piece. He would occasionally go into mini bouts of crying....but they never lasted long before crying himself back to sleep.

He never spoke to Whitty. Only acknowledging his existence through nodding. Reason why was because his voice hurt from the scratchy sobbing he had been doing. That and there just wasn't much to say. His body began retaliating against his mourning.

Whitty was always by his side to get him anything he needed. He worked his ass off to gather food and supplies. He didn't mind though.
It felt good taking care of someone for once.

One day....he awoke to the sound of....punching?..... Going downstairs, he noticed Ruv wasn't on the couch.... In fact....he wasn't anywhere in the house. The noises continued to come from the back. Rushing curiously to the backdoor, he saw Ruv.......

Punching trees.......

Whitty was baffled for a second before deciding to go out there. Walking down the back porch, he cautiously approached Ruv from behind. Ruv was taking CHUNKS out of the base of the poor defenceless tree.

Whitty - Uhm....R...ruv-YAAAIII!!!!!!!

Ruv spun around unnaturally fast. Throwing a punch right at Whitty who flattened against a tree as Ruv's fist went through the trunk right above his wick.

Whitty stared at Ruv, unblinking.

Ruv - OH....S....sorry.....

Ruv backed off, turned back around and continued to punch the hell out of that poor tree. Whitty peeled himself out of his death grip against the tree and briskly raced back into the house.

The next few days were confusing. Ruv continuously going outside and just..... tearing up the beautiful woods around. While Whitty wish he didn't........he realized he would've done the same if he was in a similar situation.

There wasn't much to do around the old house. There was no TV, radio or any other entertainment electronics around. Nothing but some boring old law books up on the shelves that were there just for display.
So he took his time watching Ruv punch trees. There was something so strange and mesmerizing about him.
Whitty was shook by Ruv's unusual aggressive behavior. Not that he was scared of Ruv.... he was just a bit startled.....and intrigued.
Watching Ruv out the window....he didn't know why.....but he felt his face getting hot as he took in how strong he was.

(And keep in mind my version of these guys are slightly chubby with little to no visible muscle mass.)

Quickly shaking off the thought, he decided to take a nap to clear his mind.

Whitty awoke to a knock on the bedroom door. It was dusk. Whitty stretched and scratched his ass as he approached the door. Opening it, he saw his purple friend standing there.

Whitty - Hm?

Ruv - We're out of cornflakes.

Whitty - I'll get us some more tomorrow morning. It's too late and dangerous for me to go out now.

Ruv - ......... Fine. But just know I find my solace in my morning cornflakes. Just know that.

Whitty blinked at how aggressive Ruv came across as. But he let it slide since he apparently was going through the stages of grief.

Ruv turned and silently walked back downstairs. Whitty followed him back down and looked through the kitchen. Not much was left as Ruv had been stress eating. Which was also strange for him since he never gorged. Must have been where Ruv got his strength to punch trees.

Whitty walked back into the living room to see Ruv fast asleep back on the couch...... sucking his thumb.

Whitty - Bless this man.

On the ceiling in the corner.......
There was an unexpected visitor. One in which they couldn't see.

Sarv - Found you, Ruvy.......

[This is just a short-ish chapter to set up the next one....the one y'all will probably love since it introduces......
You know who. ;) ]

July - 30 - 2023

Ice Cream Issues - An FNF WhitRuv ficWhere stories live. Discover now