Chapter Three - Guns In The Air

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Ember's aircraft rolled out of his garage, his hands gripping the yoke as the plane slowly made its way to the group of three. They seemed to be chatting but Ember couldn't make out their words, though it seemed to just be casual friendly banter. The night sky had darkened by this time, stars glittering across the sky as deep blues and violets of the beyond filled the endless expanse of space. No clouds would bother to interfere from space's mysterious beauty, nor was there any wind to mess with the quiet sky's tranquility.

Ember stopped once he was beside Enzo's plane, Theodore as well as the fourth mystery man glancing over.

"Why'd you make it a bug?" The fourth man asked.

"Its a wasp, thats why he calls it Hornet" Enzo corrected.

"Still a bug..."

"Why do you care?" Enzo frowned.

"I dunno, I'd make mine something cool, like an eagle!"

"Eagles aren't capable of the same manueverability. If you can make levers that pull the wings in the same way a wasp's muscles would, it gives you more range in flight." Ember chimed in.

The fourth pilot blinked, a beat of silence going by as him and Theodore shared a glance.

"Yeah but wasps aren't cool! They're annoying."

"Then you should love them." Ember replied snarkily, rolling his eyes as he leaned back into the seat of his plane.

Enzo snorted, causing the insulted man to shoot him a glare, the man's blonde pompadour not budging against the strength of his hairspray.

"What Alec? I told you he's snappy."

"I'm not snappy!" Ember pouted, looking away as he crossed his arms.

Enzo frowned, feeling both of the boys turn on him in a matter of seconds.

"How'd I become the bad guy here?"

Theodore smirked, entertained by Enzo's innocent confusion, but more so Ember's burning temper.

"Is Ember always so sensitive? I don't imagine him lasting long with the emotional intelligence of a child." Theodore remarked, relishing in the opportunity to push Ember further. Ember could sense this, assuming that Theodore was simply ruffling his feathers to catch him off guard before their little game.

"Are your friends always assholes, Enzo?" Ember flatly fired back, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"Only when we have to work with pilots who got in through a sob story." Theodore crossed his arms.

"Hey! That is not true! I watched Ember work harder than anyone else I know. He earned his place here." Enzo cut in, glaring at Theodore as Alec snickered.

"You are totally right Theo, Enzo is in love!" Alec teased.

"Oh, is that why you two are being difficult? It takes a pea brain to realize that." Ember replied with a chuckle, causing all three boys to laugh at Enzo's expense.

Enzo's face would heat up, pouting as he crossed his arms.

"Ha ha, very funny." Enzo grumbled, though soon smirking as he focused his gaze on Ember.

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