Four: Why Naruto

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Ask Naruto cleaned up, washing the tears from his face and wincing at the pain of cramps, Hyuga stormed in angry as hell. Coming right in front of his face yelling: " WHY DIDN'T TELL ME NARUTO!?" " What?" Naruto replied in surprise. "ABOUT THE FUCKIN PUPS,OUR FUCKING PUPS NARUTO!!!" " Naruto looked at her with shock, anger and sadness. " Just please leave me alone HYUGA." " W-What did you call me? " Your name." He responded " W-What happened to Hinata? She asked in surprise " Listen, he said through pain, you raped me in the back of the school." Hyuga just stood there a mix of anger and sadness " Now will you please leave me alone (cramp and wince) I'm not in the best condition as you can see." Hyuga then looked down to see his exposed stomach. She felt so bad for small omega. It was rounded and bulging out from the pups and he was leaning back to help with the weight and pain. " Naruto we need to talk." Hyuga said in slightly softer tone, at the realisation of the pups. He was about to decline as he felt a cramp shoot through him, as he winced in pain instead. Due to the pain and hormones he started crying and sat down on the floor. " Naruto get the fuck you lazy ass, slut. Hyuga said not realising how much pain Naruto was in. "Naruto just burst out in angry tears as he heard this, " did you just come here to insult me or what?" He said quietly " No, I just need you to stop being such a lazy LITTLE BITCH and GET THE FUCK UP." Naruto began getting very angry again and transformed into a bristling Fox. He looked at Naruto once again in fear mixed anger. He then growled very lightly and covered his small pup' bump with his tails. Claws unsheathed, he stalked towards Hyuga fast and growing as he slashed her across the face. Leaving a bleeding claw mark on her cheek. " OOWW" Hyuga screamed " Now you listen here,Hinata Hyuga, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY ANY, I AM NOT JUST BEING A BABY, I AM PREGNANT WITH YOUR TWIN PUPS!!!" Naruto roared. "T-twin!" Hyuga exclaimed with an angry look. Once Naruto saw her angry face he Ye" YOU DON'T GET TO BE ANGRY HYUGA, BECAUSE.." he said lowering his voice tearing up at the thought, he looked him dead in the eyes and said "This is all your fault ...." He's angered and tears eyed. "Stupid demon, how is this my fault?!" But Naruto couldn't take it anymore, " I Didn't WANT THIS, He said, YOU IMPREGNANTED ME WITH THESE PUPS, BY RAPE!!!" I HATE YOU HINATA HYUGA!!" He screamed, still in his Foxes form and bolted out door towards home."NARUTO!" Hyuga tried to yell after him but Naruto just kept running. She decided she would have to talk to him tomorrow and stalked on home. Naruto's words still repeating inside her head " I HATE YOU HINATA HYUGA!" She realised she was right, she raped him against his will and got him pregnant. "HOW AM I SO FUCKING STUPID!" She yelled aloud. But for some reason anger pushed over the sadness and sympathy. I STILL WANT TO KNOW WHY HE WAS BEING SUCH A WUSS IN THE BATHROOM!!! I DIDN'T EVEN HURT HIM. IM GONNA FUCKING FIND OUT TOMORROW! She growled. But when she home and flopped herself on her bed, she felt bad again, imagining his battle scared stomach and how big his bump was already. I'll just talk to nerd tomorrow,not knowing that Naruto would not show up to school for the next month.

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