Eleven: Hinata hyuga

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Hyuga walked in the room not paying attention to Naruto, "Hey so what's the hours li-" she cut herself as she met Naruto's shocked face. Naruto new she had to keep his composure because he was her boos, but she felt such a burning hatred for the man who almost ruined her life. "N-Naruto?" Hinata said feeling a small happiness but then anger. She rushed over to Naruto and grabbed him by the shoulders and yelled, "What the hell Naruto?! You left without a fucking word, not Godamn one." Her hands started burning Naruto bit with lion fists, when he felt something sharp her calves causing her to buckle to her knees, "Stay away from out mama, you bastard!!!" She then said "What hell?!" Then she saw two cubs stand in between her and Naruto. Naruto said shocked, "Boruto and hinako uzumaki What do you think your doing?!" That woman was hurting you mama!" -Boruto. "Yeah her hands were burning your shoulders!!" Then they said in unison "Sorry mama." Naruto knelt down and hugged them both, "It's ok babies, just go and hang out with auntie tell her I'm speaking to someone." They nodded then glared at Hyuga as they ran out the room. Naruto closed the door as Hyuga said, " What the hell was that?! And whose kids were those, why the hell were they calling you mama?!" Hyuga was genuinely confused. As soon at the cubs were completely out of sight he retorted, "Are you really that big of a jerk or plain stupid?" Hyuga was taken aback by the response then remembered, "Nevermind..." Naruto then went to his desk and awkwardly started to about the job and were he would be doing his stuff. After they were done Hinata stood blacking the door and blacked Naruto into a corner, "I'll ask again, who were they?!" "Th-there your cubs Hyuga!!" Hyūga let go and realised, "Oh." She sat down, feeling, ashamed. "L-look Naruto I-" She was cut off by Naruto, " Look Hyuga, I don't need you sorries, I've had too many of your fake worries to know that they mean nothing anymore. Our only relationship is work. Now please leave my office. She just got up with an angry glare and left. As soon as she did Naruto broke down in tears.

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