Fourteen: The lover

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Hyuga POV
Man, I can't stop thinking about that damn Naruto! It's like he's constantly in my head and he won't get the fuck out! I mean, I want to forget him already. But then again I don't. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do. I mean I sure as hell know he ain't gonna talk my ass back. But I really wish that I could make up for everything and forget it. But it also makes me mad to see him. To see that he's doing so well without me. Sight, nonetheless I got assigned to work with him. And now I have to go to work and see his ass again. I'm also starting to notice Naruto being really weird. Like he's releasing this new scent super unconsciously, like sweet milky scent and I'm noticing he's getting fat. That's not fucking normal for him anyways. He's always on himself about his diet and he's always been in shape, even since high-school academy. I don't know what hell going on but I'm gonna find out today. I thought as I walked into the locker room to shove all my shirt into my locker, when I noticed this guy I've never seen before just walk in like it's nothing. Mind you this I know everyone at work because it's such a damn small work place. So, I approach the guy. He's pretty tall and almost as muscular as Naruto, but not quite. And he looks like a emo bitch with that hair and those eyes. "Hey!!"I tell him "What hell are you doing here, hokage towers." He just looks at me with a monotoned face and presents me with a key card. " I was given permission by someone who works here, I've come to visit." " Tch." Was all I said before he continued walking. Who the hell would be giving away free passes to some rando? I thought I slammed my locker shut and walked into the elevator. And lucky me, the one I got on had emo duck butt in it. He was just stupidly on his phone, looking down. Since me and him stopped at the same floor I decided to peak at were he was going. And I saw him just casually free time into Naruto's office with little black haired girl!! Along with Boruto and hinako?! Godamnit what does this guy want with Naruto?! I decided to see what the hell was going on. I walked into the room ignoring Sakura's words. " I don't think you wanna go in there."  As I pushed through the door and slammed it shut I saw what she referring to. Naruto and emo duck butt were making out on his sofa!! " What the hell?!"
3rd person pov
Naruto was working on some financial documents when he got a pleasent little surprise. Uchiha And Sarada had come to visit them at work. Along with hinako and Boruto being with rock-lee but came to see Sarada. " Sasu, Sarada!" Naruto exclaimed as he ran over to hug the two. " Hello Ms Sarada." Naruto said in a singsong voice giving her a little kiss on the nose. "Hello mama!!" Sarada said giving Naruto a quick hug before running off to play with Boruto and hinako who were on the other side of the room playing. Then he was engulfed by a warm hug from his boyfriend. "I missed you babydoll." He said with a smile. Sasuke let Naruto's warth flow through himself, feeling his embrace. Naruto hugged him back before blushing at the nickname had given him. "I missed you too, Sau." He said before giving him a kiss but soon that kiss turned into a full on make out session. Sasuke loved the taste of his boyfriend, a soft sweet taste coming from the omega. Everything about the small boy made Sasuke want to protect. He was small,although he was muscular his scent made him vulnerable to other alphas. A pregnant omega's scent is like no other. It was sweet and milky . Naruto also loved his alpha. His taste was more of a smoky caramel taste, he scented according But just as they were embracing they heard the slam of a door and an all too familiar, " What the hell?!" Interrupt them. Naruto was surprise and bit angry that he interrupted his time alone with his alpha. Sasuke got up leaving Naruto comfortably on the couch blocking the other alpha from his omega. "Can we help you?" He asked cooly. "Yeah, I want to speak to Naruto!!" Sasuke looked back to boyfriend who nodded, giving him reassurance. "I'll leave you two to talk, Boruto , hinako Sarada. Let's go get some ice cream." He said as their heads popped up at the sound of the familiar voice. "Coming papa!" Sarada said. "Yay ice cream!"- Boruto. "Yeah!" -hinako. As they left the room Hyuga closed the door. Hyuga felt enraged. "Who the hell was that asshole?!" Hyuga roared. Naruto felt anger bubble inside him, What right did she have to bad mouth his boyfriend?! " None of your concern Hyuga." Naruto retorted, turning his back to alpha. Hyuga wanted answers but he knew he was in no position to talk like this especially when Naruto could fire her on the spot if he wanted to. "Fine." She gruffest. "Then can you at least tell me what's going on with your scent?" Naruto's heart dropped at the realisation, my pregnancy scent!! Shit, I'm going to half tell her now. "Also not to be mean but you look like you've gained some weight and that's not normal for you." Naruto new she was right. He was usually on top of his training but with cubs he wasn't allowed to train as hard. Naruto and her stood there in silence until the omega sighed then said. "I'm pregnant." Hinata was in shock. "Wait,Wait, wait, what?! When?! Who?!" Naruto just sat down, leaning back a bit making his belly more visible. "Remember when I got hit with that justus a few months ago." Hyuga just nodded questioningly. "Well turns out it was a pregnancy justus." Hyuga pieced it together now. Hyuga didn't feel as angry, now realising it's wasn't the emo duck butt that got him pregnant but he was still angry at the fact that Naruto had new boyfriend. After a moment of silence, Hyuga was about to ask something else when she realised the omega had fallen asleep on the couch. He was all spread out, exposing his bump. She also realised how tired the omega looked. He had dark circles under his eyes. She walked over to ruffle the boys fluffy hair, she chuckled "Still overworking yourself I see." Before quietly leaving, closing the door

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