chapter one: arguments and school problems

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Y/n pov:

Currently, I was in the living room arguing with my father. He told me I must be married by the age of sixteen. As I feel that's too young, he says that I have to do it.

I also have to marry someone that they feel is right for me. I'm not aloud to choose and I find that as such nonsense.

My mom isn't saying anything to either of us and is just watching us fight. He's yelling at me while tears roll down my face.

"Sixteen is too young! I'm still a child! Can't I wait til I'm eighteen and marry the one I love?" I ask him and his face turns red as he scoffs at me.

"I told you already, y/n, you marry who I tell you to!" He sits down as he glares at me.

"Then I shall not marry at all! I must not be forced to marry someone I do not love!" I yell out as I cross my arms.

"I'm still a child! I should still act like one til I'm of age!" I explain as I yank my hair stressfully.

"You will listen to me! I will not be humiliated by you disobeying me!" He yells out and my mom comes over to him and shushes him. Her eyes look to me and she stares me deep into the eyes and begins to speak.

"You will do as your told understand?" She said softly.

I try not to scream at them as I nod angrily and run upstairs to my room.

My dog Callie, whines as she sees me and lays at the end of my bed. I pet her a few times as tears fall down my face.

"I just wish I could stay a kid forever. I don't want to grow up" I say as I put my head in my lap and start to cry.

I write in my diary about my feelings as more tears fall down my face.

Why must I marry someone I do not love? I do not understand.

Why should i have to grow up when I'm still so young? It makes no sense. I should still be acting like a kid, enjoying my childhood years. but instead, I'm being forced to grow up.

I look up at the stars as I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"I wish to not grow up" I say softly as I put my diary under my pillow.

I turn off my light, and lay down as I close my eyes instantly falling asleep.

Not long after, I wake up from feeling something touching above my chin. I open my eyes to see a boy flying above me and looking right at me.

I gasp as I look at him. He flies back and lands on the wall. Callie woke up, and starts to bark at him.

"Shh callie" I say as the boy tries to fly out the window. Callie doesn't listen as she bites her teeth on a dark looking shadow.

The boy flies out as I look at the window confused.

'am i dreaming?' I think to myself. I lit a candle and run outside as I look around.

The boy was nowhere to be seen. I sigh, as I get back into bed and go back to sleep.


The next day, I head to school as I sigh.

I have absolutely no friends and get bullied all the time.

That's my life.

I just wish I could be somewhere else.

Have fun.

Maybe even have my first kiss. But that's not possible.

I'll have my first kiss with someone I'm being forced to marry.

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