chapter two: the boy

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Y/n pov:

I jolt awake as I hear something fall from my book shelf.

'What on earth?' I think to myself as I sit up.

I look at my lantern to see it glowing more brightly.

'That's weird' I think to myself.

My eyes close tiredly as I lay back down and go back to sleep.

A few minutes later, I'm awoken again by hearing crying.

I crawl to the end of my bed and look down seeing the boy from last night.

"Boy, why are you crying?" I softly ask him.

He looks at me and panics, he flies up and hits his head on the ceiling.

"You can fly!" I say as I smile brightly.

I thought it was my imagination.

He flies back down as he looks at me

He bends over and bows to me.

I get up from my bed, and curtsy in my nightgown.

"What is your name?" I ask him as the smile never leaves my face.

"What is your name?" He asks.

"Y/n y/m/n y/l/n" I answer for him.

"Peter... Pan."

"Where do you live?" I ask another question.

"Second to the right and straight on til morning!" He replies and I step closer to him.

He puts his hand on his hip protecting something as he notices how close we are

"They put that on the letters?"

"I don't get any letters"

"But your mother gets letters" I reply.

"Don't have a mother" he says as he backs up to the window.

My mouth opens wide as I stare at him shocked.

"No wonder you were crying"

"I wasn't crying about mothers! I was crying because I can't get my shadow to stick," he says as he sits down and grabs the black shadow that's hiding against my bed and tries to tie it together against his foot.

The shadow... that's what I seen last night that Callie bit! I can't believe it's here...

I didn't think it was real

"And I wasn't crying" he adds. The shadow then slaps him on the head.

I guess the shadow is him?? Or... apart of him?

He turns his head to the shadow and I sit down next to him and laugh.

The shadow moves away from Peter's foot making peter angrily grab it again and try to tie it.

"I could sew it on for you" i say to him with a smile.

The shadow grabs him and pulls him against the bed.

I go to my drawer and grab my needle and string.

I go and sit back down as I show him the needle.

"This may hurt a little" I say and his eyes widen and the shadow holds him protectively.

As I start, he groans in pain. When I'm almost done, he groans again.

"Might I borrow your knife?" I ask him. The shadow shakes it's head no, and he hands the knife to me slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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